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Press three times for strong
16. Cool/Warm Button
Press Cool/Warm button to select warm humidification. The warm mist temperature will be about 45°.
When you choose the warm humidification, the Heat light will turn on.
17. When the Refill light turn on, it’s time to refill the water tank.
Always unplug the unit before servicing it in any way.
Be careful when handling the water if warm humidification was selected. The water temperature of the
water remaining in the unit after user may be high.
Do not submerse the unit in water, or allow water to enter anywhere on the unit except the designated
water tank.
Water tank and water basin
1. Fill water tank with 1 teaspoon of household bleach in 1 gallon of water. Let stand
twenty minutes, shaking vigorously with two hands every few minutes, drain and rinse with
clean water until the bleach smell is gone. Dry with a clean cloth or paper towel.
2. Wipe the water basin with a soft cloth dampened in the cleaner and water solution.
Rinse the water basin with cool water. When cleaning the water basin do not place the
nebulizer directly under the water tap.
3. Wipe all exteriors surfaces of the base with a soft, dry cloth. Do not immerse the base in
water or use water to clean the base. As with any electrical appliance, an electric shock
may result or the humidifier may be damaged.
Note: Clean the inside of the water tank at least once a week
Ultrasonic disk
There may be some lime deposits in the nebulizer, Particularly in areas with hard water. Overcome this
drawback by cleaning the nebulizer with water and vinegar on a soft cloth regularly, as follows:
1. Dampen a cloth with vinegar and wipe the nebulizer gently, until the lime deposits disappear completely.
2. Rub down gently with a dry cloth and remove remains of humidity
3. Do not rub the nebulizer with solid objects.Do not clean with chemical products.
Air filter
1. Gently wipe away debris from the filter with a soft cloth.
Water level sensor
The water level sensor is made of three key parts. When cleaning DO NOT MISPLACE these parts and MAKE
SURE that you assemble these three parts correctly after cleaning and before operating humidifier. They are as
Plastic Cap-this part has 4 flat tabs coming out form the bottom and is placed on top of a plastic pin.
Water Float- a small round part resembling a “life saver” candy located underneath the Plastic Cap.
Pin-plastic pin that secures water float and plastic cap.
To clean the water float unscrew the plastic cap from the pin. Remove the water float and clean by wiping the
parts with a soft damp cloth. Replace the parts by first putting the water float onto the pin and re-screwing the
plastic cap onto pin.
Water Level Sensor
Water Float Plastic pin
Plastic Cap

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