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OPPO Digital, Inc. • 2629 Terminal Blvd, Suite B • Mountain View CA 94043 • Tel: (650) 961-1118 • Fax: (650) 961-1119 • www.oppodigital.com
OPPO BDP-83 Blu-ray Disc Player
RS-232 Control Protocol
The OPPO BDP-83 Blu-ray Disc Player can be ordered with an RS-232 option for wired
remote control. The RS-232C port is configured as a DCE device using a female 9-pin
D-Sub type connector.
RS-232 Pin Configuration:
The pin out of the BDP-83 RS-232C port is as the following:
Pin Signal
This pin configuration allows a PC running a serial terminal program (such as Hyper
Terminal) to communicate with the player using a straight-through DB9 9-pin RS-232
serial cable. Do NOT use a “Null-Modem” type cable for PC connection. For connection
to a remote control system, please refer to the documentation that comes with the
remote control system.
Communication Settings:
The RS-232 control port of the OPPO BDP-83 uses the following communications
Baud Rate: 9600
Data Bits: 8
Parity: None
Stop Bit: 1
Flow Control: None
Command Structure:
Each command starts with a # sign (ASCII 0x23), followed by a 3-character command
code. If there are any parameters for the command, the parameters are given in text
format, separated by a space (ASCII 0x20) from the command code. The # character
(ASCII 0x23) must never appear in the parameters. A carriage return (ASCII 0x0d)
indicates the end of the command. Each command must not exceed 25 bytes including
the start of command and end of command bytes.
The illustration of the command structure is as the followings:
<Command> = <Start of Command><Command Code>[<sp><Parameters>]
<End of Command>
<Start of Command> = #, ASCII 0x23
<Command Code> = <byte><byte><byte>

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Oppo BDP-83 Gebruiksaanwijzing - English - 81 pagina's

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