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Limited Warranty
One For All (“OFA”) warrants, to the original purchaser only, that this
product will be free from defects in materials and workmanship, under
normal use, for ninety (90) days from the date of original purchase.
This warranty does not cover damage or failures caused by products or
services not supplied by OFA, or which result from accident, misuse, abuse,
neglect, mishandling, misapplication, faulty installation, set-up adjustment,
improper maintenance, alteration, maladjustment of consumer controls,
modifications, commercial use, or that is attributable to acts of God.
There are no express warranties except as listed above. OFA SHALL NOT
WARRANTY PERIOD SET FORTH ABOVE. Some states do not allow the
exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, or limita-
tions on how long an implied warranty lasts, so the above exclusions or
limitations may not apply to you. This warranty gives you specific legal
rights and you may also have other rights which vary from state to state.
To obtain warranty service for a defective product during the warranty
period, please return the product, preferably in the original carton, along
with your purchase receipt, to the store of original purchase. A note detail-
ing the complaint would be helpful. The store, at its option, will replace or
repair this product if found to be defective.
One For All
One For All
is a trademark of Universal Electronics Inc.
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This One For All
product is designed for compatibility in North America
excluding Mexico.
Calix 1311
Canon 1124
Calin 1131, 1132
Candle 1131, 1413
Capehart 1114
Carver 1243
CCE 1413, 1241
Citizen 1131, 1413
Colt 1241
Colortime 1124, 1223, 1413
Craig 1411, 1241, 1131, 1212, 1412
Crosley 1124, 1243
Curtis Mathes 1124, 1223, 1332, 1141
Cybernex 1411
Daewoo 1413, 1114, 1144
Daytron 1114
Dynatech 1111
Electrohome 1131
Electrophonic 1131
Emerex 1121, 1122, 1123
Emerson 1331, 1431, 1413, 1421, 1112,
1341, 1314, 1131, 1111, 1342,
1234, 1422, 1424, 1224, 1143,
1333, 1334, 1244
Fisher 1311, 1212, 1221, 1232
Fuji 1124, 1122
Funai 1111, 1423
GAB 1241
Garrard 1111,1423
GE 1223, 1332, 1124
Go Video 1344, 1414, 1411
Goldstar 1131, 1132
Gradiente 1111
Harley Davidson 1111
Harman/Kardon 1132
Harvard 1241, 1234
Harwood 1241, 1234
Headquarter 1211
Hi-Q 1212
Hi Point 1331, 1342, 1314
Hitachi 1142, 1111, 1312, 1323, 1141
Jensen 1141, 1233
JVC 1113, 1233, 1141
KEC 1413, 1131
Kenwood 1233, 1113, 1141, 1132
KLH 1241
Kodak 1124, 1131
Lloyd 1111, 1333
Logik 1241
LXI 1131
Magnasonic 1411, 1131, 1413
Magnavox 1124, 1243, 1133, 1321
Magnin 1411
Marantz 1124, 1243
Marta 1131
Matsushita 1124
MEI 1124
Memorex 1111, 1124, 1311, 1411, 1131,
1213, 1212, 1133, 1211, 1322
MGA 1143,1244
MGN Technology 1411
Minolta 1142, 1312
Mitsubishi 1143, 1324, 1224, 1233, 1113
Motorola 1124, 1213
Movie Walker 1241
MTC 1111, 1411
Multitech 1111, 1241
NAD 1222
NEC 1132, 1311, 1134, 1141, 1233,
Nikko 1131
Noblex 1411
Olympus 1124
Optimus 1213, 1131, 1222, 1311, 1322
Optonica 1231
Orion 1331, 1431, 1413, 1422
Panasonic 1322, 1124, 1343, 1242
Penney 1124, 1411, 1131, 1142, 1323,
1132, 1134, 1221, 1322
Pentax 1142, 1312
Philco 1124
Philips 1124, 1243
Pilot 1131
Pioneer 1222, 1233, 1113
Portland 1114
Protec 1241
Proton 1231
Pulsar 1133
Quarter 1211
Quartz 1211
Quasar 1322, 1124, 1242
RadioShack 1111, 1131, 1423
Randex 1131
RCA 1223, 1332, 1142, 1312, 1321,
1242, 1313
Realistic 1111, 1411, 1124, 1131, 1213,
1311, 1212, 1211, 1232, 1231
Ricoh 1123, 1122, 1121
Runco 1133
Samsung 1411, 1144, 1214
Sanky 1213, 1133
Sansui 1141, 1233, 1113
Sanyo 1311, 1341, 1342, 1314, 1143,
Scott 1331, 1341, 1342, 1314, 1143,
Sears 1311, 1131, 1124, 1142, 1312,
1212, 1211, 1221, 1232, 1111
Sharp 1213, 1231
Shintom 1241
Shogun 1411
Singer 1241
Signature 1124, 1131
Sony 1121, 1122, 1123, 1124
Soundesign 1111
STS 1142, 1312
Sylvania 1124, 1243, 1143
Symphonic 1111, 1423
Tatung 1141
TEAC 1111, 1141
Technics 1322, 1124
Teknika 1111, 1124, 1131
TMK 1411, 1333
Toshiba 1143, 1144, 1232, 1342
Totevision 1411, 1131
Unitech 1411
Vector 1144
Vector Research 1132, 1134
Victor 1141, 1233
Viceo Concepts 1144, 1134, 1224
Videosonic 1411
Wards 1111, 1124, 1142, 1312, 1411,
1212, 1213, 1223, 1332, 1241,
1342, 1321, 1231
XR 1000 1111, 1241, 1124
Yamaha 1132
Zenith 1133, 1122, 1123, 1121
Set-Up Codes for Cable
ABC 1112, 1114, 1122, 1123, 1131,
1133, 1134, 1142
American 1233
Antronix 1212, 1312
Arbatron 1114, 1134, 1131, 1322
Archer 1212, 1244, 1312
Belcor 1232
Cable Star 1232
Cabletenna 1212
Cableview 1212
Century 1244
Citizen 1244
Colour Voice 1221, 1222
Comtronics Eagle 1224, 1233
Contec 1143
Dae Ryung Eagle 1123
Eastern 1113
Everquest 1141
Focus 1341
Garrard 1244
GC Electronics 1232, 1312
Gemini 1141, 1241
General Instruments 1322, 1131, 1114
Goldstar 1243, 1224
Hamlin 1124, 1144, 1223, 1314, 1321
Hitachi 1131
Hytex 1122
Jasco 1244, 1334
Jerrold 1114, 1322, 1134, 1131, 1141,
1132, 1214
Memorex 1111
Movie Time 1234, 1311
Novaplex 1342
NSC 1234, 1311, 1241
Oak 1122, 1143
Omega 1141
Panasonic 1211, 1242, 1111
Paragon 1111
Philips 1244, 1221, 1222
Pioneer 1332, 1243, 1213
Popular Mechanics 1341
Prism 1132, 1133
Pulsar 1111
Quest 1243, 1144
RCA 1211
Realistic 1312
Recoton 1341
Regal 1314, 1144, 1321
Regency 1113
Rembrandt 1131, 1241
Runco 1111
Samsung 1243, 1224
Scientific Atlanta 1123, 1323, 1142, 1121
Seam 1324
Sigma 1143
Signal 1141, 1224
Signature 1131
SL Marx 1224
Sprucer 1211
Starcom 1114, 1141
Stargate 1141, 1224
Starquest 1141
Sylvania 1112
Tandy 1313
Teleview 1224
Texscan 1112
Tocom 1132, 1133
Toshiba 1111
Tusa 1141
TV86 1234
Unika 1244, 1312, 1212
United Artists 1122
United Cable 1114
Universal 1244, 1312, 1212, 1232
U.S. Electronics 1114, 1322, 1323, 1142, 1123
Viewstar 1234, 1233, 1313
Videoway 1333, 1111
Zenith 1111, 1331, 1231
Zentek 1341

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