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EN 3
For safe use
This instruction manual uses various pictographs for correct use of the
product and to prevent danger to the user and other persons as well as
property damage. These pictographs and their meanings are shown
1 Keep this product out of the reach of babies, infants, and children.
There is the possibility of occurrence of the following types of
Injury by dropping onto the body from a height.
Injury from parts of the body getting caught in parts which open and
Swallowing of small parts, O-ring, silicone grease and silica gel.
Please consult a physician immediately if any parts have been
Triggering of the flash in front of the eyes may cause permanent
vision impairment etc.
2 Do not store with a battery in the digital camera housed in this product.
Storage with a battery inserted may lead to leakage of the battery
liquid and fire.
3 If leakage of water should occur with a camera installed in this product,
quickly remove the battery from the camera. There is the possibility of
ignition and explosion from generation of hydrogen gas.
4 This product is made of resin. There is the possibility that injuries may
be caused when it becomes broken because of strong impact with a
rock or other hard objects. Please handle it with sufficient care.
This indicates contents for which the possibility of human
death or severe injury in case of handling under
disregard of this indication can be assumed.
This indicates contents for which the possibility of human
injury or the possibility of material damage in case of
handling under disregard of this indication can be
PT-051_EN.book Page 3 Monday, January 17, 2011 4:10 PM

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Andere handleiding(en) van Olympus PT 051

Olympus PT 051 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 32 pagina's

Olympus PT 051 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 30 pagina's

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