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Cash Register CM 75 / 760 / 761 / 762
2010 Page 4 Specifications subject to change without notice!
Intended Use
This cash register is exclusively intended for processing cash register business indoors. Any other use is considered
unintended use.
General Information / Safety Notes
Ensure that the mains power supply corresponds to that specified on the rating plate located on the rear side of the
cash register.
This cash register is a highly sophisticated piece of equipment. Never attempt to repair it yourself. If repairs should
become necessary, please bring the cash register to an authorised service centre or the sales outlet.
Never insert metallic objects, such as a screwdriver, paper clips etc., in the cash register. This could damage the cash
register and also exposes you to the risk of an electric shock.
Always switch the cash register off when it no longer needs to be used.
Clean any dust from the cash register by wiping it gently with a dry cloth. Never use water or solvents, such as paint
thinner, spirit etc., to clean the cash register.
To disconnect the power supply fully, disconnect the plug from the power socket.
Never expose the cash register to extreme temperatures.
Keep all the transport locks in a safe place for future use. The transport locks must be reinstalled for any future
transportation of the cash register.
Transport Locks
Before the cash register can be put into operation, remove any transport locks installed and store them for future use.
Important transport note: In the case of transport damage, the unit must be returned together with the packaging,
Operating/Programming Instruction manual and accessories.
Connecting to the Power Supply
Before connecting the cash register to the mains power supply, please check that the voltage and frequency
specifications stipulated on the rating plate coincide with the local power supply.
Safety note: The power socket must be close to the cash register and easily accessible. This means that the
cash register can be disconnected from the power supply quickly in an emergency.
Note: All the data is retained following disconnection from the power supply. The batteries ensure the data is
retained for approx. 2 months after the cash register has been disconnected from the power supply.
Printer Mechanism
Attention: Observe the following information to ensure long, trouble-free operation:
print without any paper installed!
pull the paper while the printer is operating!
use poor quality paper!
insert paper rolls which have already been used!
tamper with the printer using hard objects or move the drive by hand!
Pay attention to the markings indicating the end of the paper roll.
Change the paper roll immediately.
Have the cash register / printer mechanism serviced regularly by an authorised service centre.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Olympia CM 75

Olympia CM 75 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 38 pagina's

Olympia CM 75 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 38 pagina's

Olympia CM 75 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Espanõl - 38 pagina's

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