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Quick Reference CM 721/726 PLUS Cash Register (13)
Olympia 09.2001 Page 1 Rights to make technical changes reserved!
This Quick Reference manual only provides basic information.
More detailed information is available in the Operating Instructions.
Insert paper roll
Raise the printer lid as illustrated. Use paper rolls with a width of 57mm and maximum diameter of 70mm. Do not use
recycled paper. This causes quicker printer wear. Prepare the paper roll for insertion. Remove the first layer and cut the
end of the roll straight. This prevents paper jamming in the printer mechanism. Insert the cut end of the roll in the printer
and press
until approx. 10 cm has been fed in. Depending on the method of use, feed the paper past the tear-off
edge on the printer lid or onto the take-up reel. Finally, close the printer lid.
Paper reel
The paper reel is required when the journal paper (special two-layered paper roll with carbon copy facility is required) or
the receipt paper should be rolled onto it.
1. Open the printer lid.
2. Remove the paper reel.
3. Thread the end of the journal paper in the slit in the paper reel.
4. Insert the paper reel in the hollows provided for it.
5. In order to remove the journal paper after it has been rolled up on the reel, remove
the paper reel and pull the journal paper roll off.
6. Reinsert the paper reel.
7. Close the printer lid.
Change ink roller
Note: Only use original ink rollers.
1. Open the printer lid.
2. Pull the ink roller up and out using the grip (on the left).
3. Insert a new ink roller on the guides.
4. Close the printer lid.
Key-operated switch
The key must be set to position REG for normal operation (registration).
Off Registration
(without memory
Z-reports (with
Calculation Training
Flag 28
Note: Loss of data and jamming of the cash register are possible in operating of Z or P modes! Only use these
modes when you are familiar with programming and operating the machine.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Olympia CM 726 plus

Olympia CM 726 plus Snelstart handleiding - Nederlands - 8 pagina's

Olympia CM 726 plus Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 48 pagina's

Olympia CM 726 plus Snelstart handleiding - Deutsch - 8 pagina's

Olympia CM 726 plus Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 46 pagina's

Olympia CM 726 plus Gebruiksaanwijzing - English - 46 pagina's

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