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3. Troubleshooting
Display message
Insert the same memory card
Format error Memory card
Option interface error
File not found Press GO
Read fonts:Failed
Read macro:Failed
Warning low memory
Warning image adapt
Print overrun Press GO
Memory overflow Press GO
Virtual mailbox full
Interface occupied
The Memory Card (CompactFlash) could not be detected during an operation in which the
printer was reading data from that card. Reinsert the Memory Card.
* BE SURE to turn the main switch OFF (O) BEFORE inserting the Memory Card.
Initialization of the Memory Card (CompactFlash) currently inserted is necessary.
The optional interface board is loaded in the wrong slot. Turn power OFF and load the board
in the correct slot.
File error. Touch the GO key.
The printer failed to read the font data. Try to read the font data again.
The printer failed to read the macro. Try to read the macro again.
There is not enough memory. You can check how much printer memory there is by printing
out a status page. Delete any unnecessary font data and macros.
Because there is not enough memory, printing cannot be performed at the set resolution.
Either add more memory to the printer or change the resolution.
A data overrun error has occurred due to insufficient memory.
Press the Printer key to switch to the printer mode. Following commands will be displayed.
GO: Continues printing.
Cancel: Cancels the printing operation completely.
If auto recovery time has been set, printing will resume automatically when the set time
Once this error message is displayed, Page Protect will be turned On automatically.
The current print job could not be completed due to insufficient memory in the printer.
Press the Printer key to switch to the printer mode. Following commands will be displayed.
GO: Continues printing. The data that has already been processed will be printed out and
the remaining portion of the print job will be printed onto the following page.
Cancel: Cancels the printing operation completely.
If you are using a RAM disk, reduce the size of the RAM disk. If this error occurs often, it is
recommended that you install additional memory into the printer. For more detailed
information on adding memory, contact your service representative or an authorized
service center.
If auto recovery time has been set, printing will resume automatically when the set time
There is not enough area in the virtual mailbox. Print out data in the virtual mailbox.
The selected interface is currently is use. Wait for a while and then attempt the operation

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