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Quick Setup Guide
Important information!
Read through the operating manual carefully and keep it in a safe place.
Observe all warnings and follow the instructions to avoid damage.
Place the device on a level, dry surface to prevent re and electrical shock
hazards as well as possible damage to the player itself.
Do not use the device close to water or other liquids.
Keep the device away from direct sunlight, radiators, open ames and other
sources of heat.
Use a dry or slightly moistened, lint-free cloth to clean the NOXON. Do not
use cleaning products as they may damage the nish of the unit.
To put it simply, just use the device sensibly. The warranty does not cover
deliberate damage to the device, of course. Thank you.
The product contains batteries that are subject to European Directive EC and must
not be disposed of in the normal household waste. This product fulls EC Directi-
ve EC and must not be disposed of in th normal household waste. Please obtain
information on correct disposal from your local authorities – this will help protect
the environment!
Have fun with your new NOXON Radio!
Here‘s how to reach NOXON:
Support-Hotline: 02157 - 8179-0
Standby/ Power on/off
Long press to switch the power on or off. Short press to keep standby mode.
Press for volume up, if a radio station is running. Navigate upwards through the
menu, if your are in the Menu setting or channel list.
Press for volume down, if a radio stations is running. Navigite downwards through
the menu, if your are in the menu setting or channel list.
Preset/ Select
Long press to enter preset mode. Preset station 1-10. Log press to save preset sta-
tions. Short presse to show the channel list DAB or FM Frequency tuning.
Menu/ Info - Short press to toggle channel information, Time & Date. Long press
to enter the menu.
Micro USB type connector for power input - Micro USB type connector for 5V, 1A
power input
FM - Radio frequency tuning
short press Select Preset, then press Tune+/Vol+ to turn the radio frequency.
Channel scan
Short press Select/Preset, then long press the Tune+/Vol- to scan next previews
DAB channel list
Short press Select/Preset to access DAB channel list
Press Tune+/Vol+ or Tune-/Vol- to select channel
Press Select/Preset to conrm the selection
DAB channel options
In DAB Channel List, long Press Menu/Info to select the Channel Options
Station List, Full Scan, Manual Tune
Play the preset channel:
In preset mode, press Tune+/Vol+ or Tune-/Vol- to select the stored channel, press
Select/Preset to play the selected channel
Store the channel to preset:
In preset mode, Press Tune+/Vol+ or Tune-/Vol- to select the memory slot (total 10
slots), Long press Select/Preset to store the channel to memory
DAB/FM/system setup selection
In Menu, press Tune+/Vol+ or Tune-/Vol- to select DAB, FM or System Setup.
Then press Preset/Select to conrm the selection
System setup
Press Tune+/Vol+ or Tune-/Vol- to select the option
Press Preset/Select to conrm the selection
Press Menu/Info back to upper level
Menu options:
1. Language
2. Time Setup
3. FM Scan setting
4. DRC
5. SW Version
6. Factory Reset
7. Set Announcement
5V 1A
3.5mm earphone jack
Keylock Standby = short press
Power ON/OFF = long
Micro USB
type connector
for charging
between radio
& docking
Use thin pole
to press the
key for reset
the system
Press to togg-
le the channel
Time & Date
Long press to
enter Menu
Press to toggle the
mode, DAB & FM
Long press to enter preset mode
Short press for channel FM frequency tuning (FM),
or DAB channel list (DAB).
Press for volume up
or selection
Press for volume down
or selection.
Micro USB type
connector for charging
between radio & docking
Micro USB type
connector for 5V,
1A power input
could be screwed on
the wall

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