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Error Remedy
The device does not switch on. Check it the power adaptor is connected pro-
No sound. Turn on the sound as it may be muted
Increase the volume.
Pull any connected headphone or speaker
from the connector jack.
No network connection can be established. Check the LAN cable or the WLAN function
Try to set an IP address at the device.
Activate the DHCP function on the router and
make the connection again at the device.
A rewall is activated on the network set the
respective program in such a way that access
is possible.
WiFi connection cannot be established. Check the availability of WLAN network on the
Place the device closer to the router.
Make sure the password is correct
Check the availability of LAN network on the
access point.
Reconnect or even replace the LAN cable.
No station is found. Check the network as well as the access point
and rewall.
The station may not be available currently, try it
again later or select another station.
The link of the station is changed or the stati-
on no longer transmits – ask the provider for
The link of manual added station is not correct,
make sure it is correct and re-enter.
Hiss in FM mode Check/move the FM antenna.
Move the radio.
No stations available / burbling / intermit-
tent in DAB mode.
Move the radio.
Rescan local stations only (high-strength).
Check the local DAB coverage.
Alarm does not work Switch on the alarm.
Due to the volume setting, refer to the solutions
of “No sound”.
The source of alarm was set to be station but
there is no network connection. Change the
source of alarm or recongure the connection
USB driver or MP3 player is not detected. Check if the USB driver or MP3 player is
plugged properly.
Some USB hard disks need external power
supply, make sure it is connected to the power.
Not all MP3 players can be read directly on the
device – use an USB drive instead.
NetRemote does not show or connect to
Reopen the App.
If you have several streaming from several de-
vices at the same time, it may cause crash, re-
boot NOXON A550+ and/or your device.
All other undetermined cases. NOXON A550+ may process large amount of
data after a period of operation, no matter in
which mode, it will cause the system freeze or
malfunction. Reboot NOXON A550+ if neces-
The normal function of the product may be dis-
turbed by strong Electro-Magnetic Interference.
If so, simply reset the product to resume normal
operation by following the instruction manual.
In case the function could not resume, please
use the product in other location.
The device may malfunction when used in are-
as with strong radio interference. The device
will work properly again once there is no more
7. Sepcication
Model number NOXON A550+
Description Internet DAB FM radio / network audio
Display 3,2“, (8,13cm), TFT colour display
Network supported IEEE 802.11 b/g wireless (WiFi) 10/100
Ethernet (LAN)
Encrypted key WEP, WPA, WPA2 (PSK), WPS
Streaming UPnP, DLNA
Supported playback formats MP3, WMA, WAV, AAC, FLAC
DAB / DAB+ Band III (170 – 240 MHz)
FM FM 87.5 - 108 MHz
Standby mode power consumption <1W

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Noxon A550 plus Snelstart handleiding - Nederlands, Deutsch, English, Français, Italiano, Espanõl - 52 pagina's

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