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User Guide
Copyright 2013 novero. All rights reserved.
Congratulations on choosing Twist, the universal Bluetooth handsfree speaker from
novero. Twist is a high quality Bluetooth speaker with novel metal texture and newest
wireless technology.
Bluetooth is a standard of short range radio communication technology for the purpose
of high transmission rate among portable devices, like mobile phones, computers,
printers, PDAs and other devices. (See also Glossary entry for Bluetooth, chapter 8).
You can enjoy your music wired and wirelessly and make phone calls by using your Twist.
It has the following features:
1 Pairing with a Bluetooth mobile phone or iPad supporting HFP profile.
_ Answer a call, end a call and reject a call
_ Redial last number
_ Voice dial, if supported by your mobile phone
_ Volume control
2 Pairing with a Bluetooth music device supporting A2DP profile.
_ Enjoy music wirelessly with aptX®.
3 Switch easily between call and music, you will not miss the incoming call while
listening to music.
4 When the speaker is turned on, it will automatically re-connect to the last connected
handsfree device.
Note Even though both the paired device and the speaker support the same Bluetooth
profiles, functions may vary due to specification and version differences of the
paired devices. Please check your device manual if you are missing functions.
Using Using
Using Twist
Turn the volume down to its lowest level. – Then put the speaker on and slowly
adjust the volume to a comfortable level. To prevent possible hearing damage, do
not listen at high volume levels for long periods.
If you experience discomfort or ringing in your ears, stop using the speaker immediately
and consult a physician. Continued use at high volume may accustom your ears to the
sound level and result in permanent damage to your hearing without any noticeable
Using your speaker while operating a motor vehicle, motorcycle, watercraft or bicycle
may be dangerous, and is illegal in some jurisdictions. Please respect local laws.
If you use a hearing aid or other electronic medical device, please consult your
physician before using the speaker.
Never try to dismantle the product yourself. None of the internal components can
be replaced or repaired by users. – Only authorized dealers or service centers may
open the product. If any parts of your product require replacement for any reason,

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