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22353800. Replacing the front hinge for dust cover A-0.6.5
22354200. Replacing the Bottom part 23
22354300. Replacing the Gaskets for suction house
Instruction No. 82362200/00-08
To be performed by a skilled
or instructed person only !
Disconnect the vacuum cleaner
from the power supply before
starting the work!
! Models with bag-full indicator:
Open the dust cover until it stops
and continue with a little pressure
by hand until it slides free of the
hinges. Models with no bag-full
indicator: Open the dust cover and
lift it out of the hinges.
Remove filter with dust bag.
Remove the dust bag holder by
pressing bottom clip and ease the
holder out of the bottom. This
releases the hook at the container
@ To separate the top and bottom
housing and avoid scratches on the
parts, place tool no. 22361400
under the buffer.
Follow instruction 82361500
Remove the strap (12) by hand or
tool no. V 33581. Lift up the buffer
and remove the top housing.
Removal and replace of the front
hinge, 22353800
Disassemble the machine.
Lift-up the buffer(13) by hand.
Remove the hinge with a flat-head-
ed screwdriver by pressing at the
snap lock and pull away the hinge.
Refit in reverse order.
$ Removal and replace of the
bottom part, 22354200
Disassemble the machine.
Lift-up the buffer(13) and remove
the strap(12) by hand and lift away
the bottom part.
Loosen the four screws (16) for the
HEPA filter in the bottom housing
by turning them through 90
degrees using a coin (17). Pull out
the tube (18) with your finger tips.
Unscrew the five screws (10) in
the bottom to release it from the
suction house. Remove the cord
Unscrew from top the two screws
(11) for the wheel with a Torx T 20
screwdriver and remove the shaft
with wheel from the bottom side.
Mount the wheel into the new bot-
tom with shaft by the use of a
small screwdriver and a Torx T 20
Mount shaft into wheel and place a
small screwdriver through the hole
for the metric screw. Push wheel
with shaft and a small screwdriver
into the groove for wheel from the
bottom side with small screwdriver
pointing through the metric hole.
When screw is positioned from the
upper side, the screw will push out
the small bottom screwdriver.
Remove the two front hinges.
Refit in reverse order.
Removal and replace of the
Gaskets for suction house,
Disassemble the machine.
Lift-up the buffer (13) and remove
the strap (12) by hand and lift away
the bottom part. Loosen the four
screws (16) for the HEPA filter in
the bottom housing by turning
them through 90 degrees using a
coin (17). Pull out the tube (18) with
your finger tips.
Unscrew the five screws(10) in the
bottom to release it from the suc-
tion house and replace the two
gaskets(14-15). Refit in reverse
Assembling of the machine.
Position the upper part on the bot-
tom part, replace the strap(12)
between the hooks and press by
hand the buffer(13) until it snaps
the two parts together

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