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EN 730 90 21 d
3.10 Trouble-shooting and possible correction
Problem Possible cause Correction
System will not start or stops in
(no indication of fault)
System does not start or stops in
mid-operation with the following
fault indication:
Water tank
Water tank
Pipeline / internal hoses
One or more pumps will not stop
after end of operation
Pump restarts at short intervals
Working pressure too low
No working pressure
Irregular working pressure
(machine vibrates)
Water volume at outlet point too
) Mains power supply cut off
) Fuses have blown
) Control voltage fuses in DELTA-
have blown
Any of the below faults ia fatal and
should be corrected
Motor guard on motor 2 cut out:
) No phase
) Pump - motor blocked
) Short-circuit in motor
Thermal cut-out sensor in motor 3 cut out
) Air intake obstructed
Water level in water tank too low
Temperature in water tank too high
Temperature in water tank too low (<2°C)
Leakage: external or internal
Combination of sensor values illegal.
I.e. if the high pressure switch is ON and
the low pressure switch is OFF.
High-pressure cock at outlet point does
not close
Flow sensor return defective
The system cannot keep up pressure
The high-pressure cock at outlet point
not completely closed
Double spray lance used at outlet point
without injector
Excessive water consumption
High-pressure cock at one outlet point is
left open
Air in pump
Inlet water too hot
Blockage of fi lter for inlet water
Nozzle blocked
Connect mains power supply
Check that fuses correspond to power con-
sumption (model plate). Renew fuses
Call customer engineer
When fault has been corrected restart
system - check that the fault indication has
disap pea red
*) Call customer engineer
(C3K pump no. 2 can be withdrawn on the
steering - see section 3.5 - upon which the
operation can be resumed)
*) Allow the motor to cool
Check the air intake and clean, if necessary
Check that the shut-off’s on the water inlets
are open and clean the inlet fi lters, if ne-
ce s sa ry. Check that the water supply meets
the requirements stated in sect. 1.5
Allow the water to cool, empty the wa-
tertank, if ne ce s sa ry. Check that the cold
water connection is open and, if not, that
the temp. on the hot connection does not
exceed 75°C
Empty the water tank, and make sure that
the temperature of the water inlets are
above 2°C.
In case of external leakage: disengage
any open spray handles, if relevant - repair
In case of internal leakage: repair leakage
Call customer engineer
Check that all high-pressure cocks at outlet
points have been closed
Call customer engineer
Check that all high-pressure cocks at outlet
points have been closed
Check that all high-pressure cocks at outlet
points have been closed.
Shift to single spray lance at this outlet
Check whether the water consumption of
the spray lances used exceeds the capacity
of the system - shift to other spray lances, if
ne ce s sa ry
Shut off the high-pressure cock at outlet
points not in use
Vent the system, cf. sect. 2.5.3
Allow water to cool and check that inlet
temperature does not exceed 80°C
Clean the fi lter, cf. sect. 3.9.2
Clean the nozzle
*) In both cases the plant will stop and the related control lamp will fl ash. When restarting the plant, the pump will
AUTOMATICALLY cut out, and the operation can be resumed - the control lamp will now be constantly alight.
If other faults occur than those enlisted, please contact your nearest Nilfi sk-ALTO service centre.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Nilfisk-ALTO DELTABOOSTER

Nilfisk-ALTO DELTABOOSTER Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 62 pagina's

Nilfisk-ALTO DELTABOOSTER Aanvulling / aanpassing - Deutsch - 1 pagina's

Nilfisk-ALTO DELTABOOSTER Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 56 pagina's

Nilfisk-ALTO DELTABOOSTER Gebruiksaanwijzing - English - 56 pagina's

Nilfisk-ALTO DELTABOOSTER Aanvulling / aanpassing - Français - 1 pagina's

Nilfisk-ALTO DELTABOOSTER Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 57 pagina's

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