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ALTO U.S. Inc.
390 South Woods Mill Road
Suite 300
USA-Missouri 63017-3433
Tel.: (+1) 31 42 05 12 20
Fax: (+1) 31 42 05 15 44
ALTO Overseas Inc.
1B/8 Resolution Drive
P.O.Box 797
AUS-Caringbah, N.S.W. 2229
Tel: (++61) 295 24 61 22
Fax: (++61) 295 24 52 56
Wap Reinigungssysteme GmbH
Metzgerstr. 68
A-5101 Bergheim/Salzburg
Phone: (+43) 662 45 64 00-14
Fax: ( +43) 662 45 64 00-55
Mobil: (+43) 664 12 49 55 0
Wap do Brasil Ltda.
Rua 25 de Agosto, 608
Jardim Pinhais
CEP 83323-260 Pinhais/Paraná
Tel./Fax (+55) 41 86 74 02 6
ALTO Canada
24 Constellation Road
C-Ontario M9W 1K1
Tel: 1 41 66 75 58 30
Fax: 1 41 66 75 69 89
Wap čistící systémy s.r.o.
Zateckých 9
CZ-140 00 Praha 4
Tel. (++420) 02 / 42 78 38
Fax (++420) 02 / 42 19 25
Wap čistící systémy s.r.o.
Mucednícka 3
CZ-61600 Brno
Tel. (++420) 05 / 41 21 48 85
Fax (++420) 05 / 41 21 48 87
ALTO Danmark A/S
DK-9560 Hadsund
Tel: (++45) 72 18 21 00
Fax: (++45) 72 18 21 05
ALTO Danmark A/S
(food division)
Blytækkervej 2,
DK-9000 Aalborg 10
Tel: (++45) 72 18 21 00
Fax: (++45) 72 18 20 99
ALTO France S.A.
B.P. 44, 4 Place d’Ostwald
F-67036 Strasbourg Cedex 2
Tel: (++33) 3 88 28 84 00
Fax: (++33) 3 88 30 05 00
Wap KundenCenter
Tel. (++49) 0180 / 5 37 37 37
Fax (++49) 0180 / 5 37 37 38
e-mail: center@wap-online.de
Besuchen Sie uns im Internet:
Wap-Zentrale Bellenberg
Wap Reinigungssysteme GmbH & Co
D-89287 Bellenberg
Guido-Oberdorfer-Straße 2-8
Tel. (++49) 07306 / 72-0
Fax (++49) 07306 / 7 22 00
RegionalCenter Frankfurt
D-63452 Hanau
Moselstraße 2b
Tel. (++49) 06181 / 18 72-0
Fax (++49) 06181 / 18 72-11
e-mail: rcffm@wap-online.de
RegionalCenter Hannover
D-29227 Celle
Wernerusstraße 25
Tel. (++49) 05141 / 95 55-0
Fax (++49) 05141 / 95 55-95
e-mail: rchann@wap-online.de
RegionalCenter Köln
D-51145 Köln-Porz
Kaiserstraße 127
Tel. (++49) 02203 / 9 22 99-0
Fax (++49) 02203 / 9 22 99-25
e-mail: rckoeln@wap-online.de
RegionalCenter Leipzig
D-04416 Markkleeberg
Südring 16
Tel. (++49) 034297 / 4 87 25
Fax (++49) 034297 / 4 93 57
e-mail: rcleip@wap-online.de
RegionalCenter München
D-85716 Unterschleißheim
Furtweg 11
Tel. (++49) 089 / 32 15 02-0
Fax (++49) 089 / 32 15 02-40
e-mail: rcmuen@wap-online.de
RegionalCenter Stuttgart
D-71069 Sindelfingen
OT Darmsheim
Dornierstraße 7
Tel. (++49) 07031 / 76 70-0
Fax (++49) 07031 / 76 70-20
e-mail: rcstut@wap-online.de
RegionalCenter Ulm
D-89287 Bellenberg
Guido-Oberdorfer-Straße 2-8
Tel. (++49) 07306 / 72-195
Fax (++49) 07306 / 3 41 29
e-mail: rculm@wap-online.de
ALTO Cleaning Systems(UK)Ltd.
Gilwilly Industrial Estate
GB-Penrith, Cumbria CA11 9BN
Tel: (+44) 1 7 68 86 89 95
Fax: (+44) 1 7 68 86 47 13
Telex: 64309 kewg
Alto Hong Kong
Representative Office
RM 602, Tower B, Regent Ctr.
70, Ta Chuen Ping Street
Kwai chung
HK-Hong Kong
Tel. (++852) 26 10 10 42
Fax (++852) 26 10 10 47
ALTO Danmark A/S Japan
Representative Office
Naruse-build 4F
7-2 Shinbashi 1-Chome, Minato-Ku
J-Tokyo 105-004
Tel: (+81) 3 35 69 38 07
Fax: (+81) 3 35 69 38 08
Wap Representative Office Japan
25-6, Honode Cho
J-Tokyo - 120-0021
Tel. (+81) 3 / 52 44 07 82
Fax (+81) 3 / 52 44 07 83
Wap sistemi za čćenje, d.o.o.
HR-10000 Zagreb
Florijana Andrašeca 14
Tel. (++385) 01 / 3 09 49 07
(++385) 01 / 3 09 49 09
Fax (++385) 01 / 3 09 49 06
WAP/ALTO Nederland B.V.
Stuartweg 4C,
NL-4131 NJ Vianen
Tel: (+31) (0) 3 47 32 40 00
Fax: (+31) (0) 3 47 32 40 01
Wap (NL) B.V.
NL-3371 MA Hardinxveld-
Transportweg 53-57
Postbus 65
Tel. (+31) 01846 / 1 81 44
Fax (+31) 01846 / 1 41 13
e-mail: wap.nl@wxs.nl
Bjørnerudveien 24
Postboks 64, Bjørndal,
N-1266 Oslo
Tel: (+47) 22 75 17 70
Fax: (+47) 22 75 17 71
ALTO Danmark A/S
Representative Office
271 Bukit Timah Road
#04-11 Balmoral Plaza
SG-Singapore 259708
Tel: (+65) 8 36 64 55
Fax: (+65) 8 36 64 56
Wap čistiace systémy spol. s.r.o.
SK-83237 Bratislava
Vajnorská 135
Tel. (++421) 7 44 25 96 64
Fax (++421) 7 44 25 79 44
Wap čistilni sistemi, d.o.o.
SLO-1110 Ljubljana
Letališka 33
Tel. (++0368) 61 44 23 42
Fax (++0368) 61 1 40 42 94
Wap South Africa (Pty) Ltd.
ZA-Kempteon Park (T) 1620
P.O. Box 2122
Tel. (++27) 11 97 57 06 0
Fax (++27) 11 39 43 08 1
Hidrolimpia, S.L.
E-28760 Tres Cantos - Madrid
Ronda de Valdecarrizo 9
– Modulo 5 –
Tel. (++34) 091 / 804 62 56
Fax (++34) 091 / 804 64 63
ALTO Sverige AB
Aminogatan 18, Box 40 29
S-431 04 Mölndal
Tel: (+46) 31 27 16 00
Fax: (+46) 31 87 24 19
Wap Reinigungssysteme
(Schweiz) AG
CH-5042 Hirschthal / AG
Holzikerstraße 488
Tel. (++041) 062 / 7 39 32 50
Fax (++041) 062 / 7 39 32 51
Wap Reinigungssysteme
(Schweiz) AG
CH-1029 Villars-Ste-Croix
Zone industrielle
Croix du Péage
Tel. (++041) 021 / 6 35 32 74
Fax (++041) 021 / 6 35 32 75
2100 Highway 265
USA-Arkansas 72764
Tel: (+1) 50 17 50 10 00
Fax: (+1) 50 17 56 07 19
1100 Haskins Road
Bowling Green
USA-Ohio 43402
Tel: (+1) 41 93 52 75 11
Fax: (+1) 41 93 53 71 87
P.O.Box 4369
1500 North Belcher Road
USA-Florida 33765
Tel: (+1) 72 74 61 45 55
Fax: (+1) 72 74 61 51 93
718 90 18 b (99.08)
Printed in Germany
Copyright © 2000
ALTO/Wap Bellenberg
Owner’s manual
IMPORTANT: For your own safety and that of others, please
make certain that everyone who uses the 30CA COMPACT I high
pressure washer reads and understands these instructions
thoroughly prior to operation.
Downloaded from www.Manualslib.com manuals search engine

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  • Hij krijgt geen druk genoeg hapert Gesteld op 1-4-2013 om 19:50

    Reageer op deze vraag Misbruik melden
    • probeer het is te ontkalken... zo heb ik mijn stoomreiniger ook weer werkend gekregen... hier zijn speciale middelen voor op de markt en volg de aanwijzingen goed op die staan aangegeven...succes!!! Geantwoord op 29-5-2013 om 23:52

      Waardeer dit antwoord Misbruik melden

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