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nv Niko sa Industriepark West 40, BE-9100 Sint-Niklaas, Belgium — tel. +32 3 778 90 00 — fax +32 3 777 71 20 — e-mail: support@Niko.be — www.niko.be PMXXX-8800XR08171
XXX-88000 / XXX-88001
2L 1 NL
Read the complete manual before attempting installation and activating the system.
The electronic analog thermostat (XXX-8800X) is designed for flush mounting into an interior wall. This thermostat
controls the temperature from +5°C to +30°C. You can set a min. and max. temperature, so the temperature
can only be controlled from e.g. +15°C to +25°C. The front and cover plate are available in all Niko designs
and colors.
XXX-88000: thermostat with claws
XXX-88001: thermostat without claws
Note: only suitable for indoor mounting!
Preferably flush mount the thermostat ±1.5m above the floor in an interior wall. Do not place in direct sunlight
or near other thermal influences as lamps, a TV, heating pipes and keep out of the draught (fig.1).
Wiring diagram:
Connect the heating or air conditioning as follows: The operating mode (heating or air conditioning)
is manually selected.
1 3
fig.2 fig.3
Parts (fig.3)
1. Set value: the line indicates the desired temperature (e.g. in fig. 3, the thermostat is set to 15°C).
2. 3-position switch to choose the function:
- OFF / stand-by —>
. The thermostat is switched off and will not switch back on.
- Eco mode / night setting —> : +/-3°C with regard to the set value (‘-‘ in heating mode; ‘+’ in air conditioning mode).
The thermostat is switched on (switch lights) if the temperature in the room:
- drops below 12°C in heating mode.
- rises above 18°C in air conditioning mode.
- ON / day setting —>
: If the room is heated or cooled, the switch lights.
The thermostat is switched on if the temperature in the room:
- drops below 15°C in heating mode.
- rises above 15°C in air conditioning mode.
3. Control key to set the desired temperature.
The thermostat is set in heating mode as a standard. To switch to air conditioning mode, proceed as follows:
1. Switch the switch to
and turn the control key to min. temperature (+5°C).
2. Switch the switch to
3. Turn the control key to max. temperature (+30°).
4. Switch the switch to
5. Turn the control key to min. temperature (+5°C).
6. Switch the switch to
The switch blinks thrice in confirmation of the mode change. If you wait for longer than 15s. between the different
steps, you will have to restart from step 1.
To modify the operating mode, repeat steps 1 to 6.
Heating mode: If the room temperature is lower than the set temperature, the LED of the switch lights.
Air conditioning mode: If the room temperature is higher than the set temperature, the LED of the switch
Limiting the adjustment range:
Example: an adjustment range of 15°C – 25°C:
- Remove the control key (3). You can use a small screwdriver if necessary.
- Push the pin (C) up, so the wheels become visible.
- Set the min. temperature by means of the blue wheel (A) (e.g. 15°C). The lines indicate the degrees.
- Set the max. temperature by means of the red wheel (B) (e.g. 25°C). The lines indicate the degrees.
- Push the pin (C) back in place.
- Place back the control key (3)*. Check whether the adjustment range has been set correctly.
* NOTE: when putting the control key back in place, the control point at the bottom of the key should be on
the left side between A and B!
- Completely switch off the mains before starting the maintenance of your product.
- Regularly check the pressure of the screw terminals and whether there is sufficient ventilation.
- Regularly clean the cooling slots to keep them dustfree and to guarantee an optimum dissipation.
- Nominal power supply: .............................................................230V~, 50Hz
- Output contact: .........................................................................8A, 250V~ (potentialfree)
- Min. depth flush mounting box: .................................................40mm
- Recommended flush mounting height: .......................................1,50m
- 5 connection terminals, max. capacity per connection terminal: ..2 x 1,5mm
or 1 x 2,5mm
- Ambient temperature (t
): - storage and transport: .....................-20 tot 60°C
- during operation: .............................0 to 50°C
- Adjustment range: ....................................................................5 to 30°C
- Hysteresis: ..............................................................................1°C
- Accuracy: ................................................................................+/-1°C
- Safety class II
- Designed for use in an environment with a non-condensing atmospheric humidity (IP21).
- The installation has to be carried out by a registered installer and in compliance with the statutory regulations.
- This user manual has to be handed over to the user. It has to be included in the electrical installation file and
has to be passed on to any new owners. Additional copies are available on the Niko website or via the support
- During installation, the following has to be taken into account (not limited to list below):
- The statutory laws, standards and regulations;
- The state of the art technique at the moment of installation;
- This user manual, which must be read within the scope of each specific installation, only states general
- The rules of proper workmanship
- In case of questions, you can consult Niko’s support service or contact a registered control organisation.
Support Belgium: Support UK:
+32 3 778 90 80 +44 1525877707
website : http://www.niko.be http://www.nikouk.com
e-mail: support@niko.be sales@nikouk.com
In case of a defect, you can return your product to a registered Niko wholesaler, together with a clear description
of your complaint (Conditions of use, stated defect…).
- Period of guarantee: 2 years from date of delivery. The delivery date is the invoice date of purchase of the
product by the consumer. If there is no invoice, the date of production applies.
- The consumer is obliged to inform Niko in writing about the defect, within two months after stating the
- In case of a failure to conform, the consumer has the right to a repair or replacement (decided by Niko) free of
- Niko cannot be held liable for a defect or damage as a result of an incorrect installation, improper or careless
use or wrong usage or transformation of the goods.
- The compulsory regulations of the national legislation concerning the sales of consumer goods and the protection
of the consumers in the countries where Niko sells, directly or via sister or daughter companies, chain stores,
distributors, agents or permanent sales representatives, take priority over the rules and regulations mentioned

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