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Open the rubber cover at the back of charge dock rst, plug the electrical plug into charge
dock, then the charge begin.
Indicator light (at the back of charge dock) turn to red when charging, indicator light turn to
green when the charging is done. Then please unplug the charger and cut o power in time
(over charging will aect the battery life).
Please plug the rubber cover into the charge dock after charging.
NetSpa products have been inspected and found free of defects prior to leaving the factory.
NetSpa warrants this product against defects in material and workmanship for a period of one
(1) year.
The warranty period begins on the date of purchase and NetSpa requires presentation of the
original proof to purchase to ascertain the date. During the warranty period, NetSpa will either
repair or replace, at its discretion, any defective products. Replacement products or repaired
parts will be warranted for only the unexpired portion of the original warranty.
Warranty policy
)This limited warranty does not apply to any defect resulting from negligence, accident, mi-
suse, or other reason beyond NetSpa’s reasonable control, included but not limited to: normal
wear and tear, negligence or failure to follow the product instructions, improper or inadequate
maintenance; connection to improper power supply; chemical water damage, loss of pool wa-
ter, unauthorized product modication or repair; use for commercial purpose; re, lightening,
ood or other external causes.
)This warranty is valid only in the country of purchase in such countries where NetSpa sells and
services the same model with identical technical specications.
)Warranty service outside the country of purchase is limited to the terms and conditions of the
corresponding warranty in the country of service. Where the cost of repairs or replacement is
not covered by this warranty, NetSpa will advise the owners and the cost shall be charged to
the owner.
)This warranty only applies to the original purchaser and terminates upon any transfer of
)All repairs of which warranty claims are made must be pre-authorized by a NetSpa service
)All the authorized selling dealer is responsible for all in-eld service work carried out on your
NetSpa product. NetSpa will not be liable for results of cost of workmanship from unautho-
rized service person.
4. Battery charge
5. Warranty
Do not return the product to the store
Contact your local after sales service
on www.netspa.eu.

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