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NETGEAR RangeMax™ Wireless-N USB 2.0 Adapter WN111v2
These setup instructions assume that you will connect to an access point or wireless router.
Estimated completion time:10 minutes.
Install the NETGEAR
WN111v2 Software
Insert the Resource CD. If the CD main page
does not display, browse the files on the CD and
double-click Autorun.exe.
1. Click Install the Software. The Software
Update Check screen displays.
2. NETGEAR recommends that you upgrade
when new firmware is available. If you are
connected to the Internet, click Check for Updates. If not, install from the CD.
The NETGEAR Smart Wizard Welcome screen displays.
3. Follow the onscreen instructions to install the NETGEAR WN111v2 software.
4. When the NETGEAR Smart Wizard Installation Complete screen displays, click
Insert the Wireless USB Adapter
Connect the wireless adapter to a USB port on your
1. For best results, put the wireless adapter at least 4
feet (1 meter) away from your router.
2. Attach the wireless USB adapter directly to a USB
port on your computer, or use the USB cable (see
“Using the USB Cable and Cradle” on the other
side of this document.
Continue the Installation
1. Depending on which Windows operating system you are using, do one of the
Windows Vista. If you are using a Windows Vista computer, the adapter and
driver are automatically added.
Note: If a message that Windows Vista cannot verify the publisher of this driver
displays, click Install this driver software anyway.
Windows XP or Windows 2000 SP4. If you are using a Windows XP or
Windows 2000 SP4 computer, follow the onscreen instructions for the Found
New Hardware Wizard.
Note: For Windows XP, if a Windows logo testing message appears, click
Continue Anyway.
2. When the NETGEAR Smart Wizard screen returns, click Next to proceed.
Windows XP or Vista users can set up the
wireless adapter either with the NETGEAR
Smart Wizard (recommended) or the Windows
configuration utilities.
For Windows configuration utilities, see the
Windows documentation or the NETGEAR
application note at: http://
The NETGEAR Smart Wizard reveals more information about each network and
makes it easier to troubleshoot network connection problems.
3. Click Next to accept the Smart Wizard.
You are prompted to let the wizard help you
connect to a network (recommended).
4. Click Next to proceed.
Connect to a Wireless Network
The next screen that displays depends on whether there is a wireless router or access point
at your location that supports Push 'N' Connect (Wi-Fi Protected Setup [WPS]).
1. Follow the instructions on the Connecting to your wireless network screen:
If there are no WPS networks, select a wireless network from the drop-down list,
and the wizard records your choice.
Note: Hidden networks do not broadcast the Network Name (SSID). These
networks are in the drop-down list, but the Network Name (SSID) is blank.
If the network uses security, then the Smart Wizard detects it.
If you want to use WPS to create a secure connection, leave the radio box
checked and click Next to continue; otherwise, select the No radio box and click
Next to continue.
WPS allows you to click a button or create a PIN number to securely connect to a
wireless router or access point. Both the wireless adapter and the router or access
point must support WPS. For more information about WPS, see the NETGEAR
RangeMax™ Wireless-N USB 2.0 Adapter WN111v2 User Manual on the
Resource CD.
2. Follow the Smart Wizard steps to connect to a network and to save a Profile.
3. After you have reviewed the settings, click Finish.
The WN111v2 icon appears in the system tray and on the desktop. The Smart
Wizard Settings tab also displays and the adapter initiates your wireless connection. It
can take up to a minute to complete your connection.
The wireless networks in your area One or more wireless networks with WPS
are in your area.do not support WPS.
Hidden Network

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