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Start Here
Before proceeding with the router installation, familiarize yourself with the product
package contents, especially the Reference Manual on the Resource CD and the animated
tutorials on configuring PCs for networking.
Follow these instructions to set up your router.
Prepare to Install Your Router
•Observe the wireless placement and range guidelines in the Reference Manual.
For Cable Modem Service: When you perform the router setup steps be sure to use the
computer you first registered with your cable ISP.
For DSL Service: You may need information such as the DSL login name/e-mail
address and password in order to complete the router setup.
First, Connect the Router to the Internet
Connect Cables from the Router to the Computer and the Modem
a. Turn off your computer.
b. Turn off the cable or DSL broadband modem.
c. Locate the Ethernet
cable (cable 1 in
the diagram) that
connects your
modem and PC.
d. Disconnect the
cable at the
computer end
only, point
A in
the diagram.
e. Look at the label on the bottom of the router. Locate the Internet port. Securely
insert the Ethernet cable from your modem (cable 1 in the diagram) into the
Internet port of the router as shown in point B of the diagram.
f. Securely insert the blue cable that came with your router (cable 2 in the
diagram) into a LAN port on the router such as LAN port 4 (point C in the
diagram), and the other end into the Ethernet port of your computer (point D
in the diagram).
Your network cables are connected and you are ready to restart your network.
Restart Your Network in the Correct Sequence
Warning: Failure to restart your network in the correct sequence could prevent you
from connecting to the Internet.
a. First, turn on your broadband modem and wait 2 minutes.
b. Now, plug in the power cord to your router and wait 1 minute.
c. Last, turn on your computer.
Note: For DSL customers, if software logs you in to the Internet, do not run that
software. You may need to go to the Internet Explorer Tools menu, Internet
Options, Connections tab page where you can select “Never dial a connection.”
d. Check the status lights and verify the following:
Power: The power light should turn solid green. When you first turn on the
router, the power light blinks during its self test, then turns solid green. If it
does not, see the Tr oubleshooting Tips in this guide.
Test: The test light blinks when the router is first turned on then goes off. If
after 2 minutes it is still on, see the Tr oubleshooting Tips in this guide.
Wireless: The Wireless light should be lit. If the Wireless light is not lit, see the
Tr oubleshooting Tips in this guide.
Internet: The Internet port light should be lit. If not, make sure the Ethernet
cable is securely attached to the router Internet port and the modem, and the
modem is powered on.
LAN: A LAN light should be lit. Green indicates your computer is
communicating at 100 Mbps; amber indicates 10 Mbps. If none are lit,
check that the Ethernet cable from the computer to the router is securely
attached at both ends, and that the router is turned on.
Use the SmartWizard to Configure the Router
a. From the Ethernet connected PC you just set up, open a browser such as Internet
Explorer or Netscape
In its factory default state, the
router will display the NETGEAR
Smart Wizard welcome page.
OK to proceed.
Note: If you do not see this page,
type http://www.routerlogin.net
in the browser address bar and
click Enter.
If you still cannot connect to the router, verify your computer networking setup. It
should be set to obtain both IP and DNS server addresses automatically, which is
usually so. For help with this,please see the Reference Manual or animated tutorials
on the Resource CD.
Installation Guide
Broadband modem
Cable 1
54 Mbps Wireless
Router WGR614
Broadband modem
54 Mbps Wireless
Router WGR614
Cable 1
Cable 2
Broadband modem
Power Internet Port
LAN Port 4
Internet Port
LAN Port 4

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Netgear WGR614 v5 Gebruiksaanwijzing - English - 172 pagina's

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