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03 04
Power Supply
Use only the provided power adapter.
Power off the device before removing the power supply from the
Protect the power cord from being walked on or pinched,
particularly at plugs, convenience receptacles, and the point where
they exit from this device.
Unplug this device if there are lightning storms or when unused for
a long period of time.
Where the power plug or an appliance coupler is used as the
disconnect device, the disconnect device shall remain readily
Before you make or change any connections, ensure that all devices
are disconnected from the power outlet.
Never touch the power cable or the power connector with wet
Hearing Safety
To prevent hearing damage, do not listen for extended periods at
high volume. Set the volume to a safe level.
The charger type is Q183 with output voltage / current of DC 9V/2A.
The charger should be installed near this product and should be
easily accessible.
This charger is for indoor use only.
When charging, place this device in an environment that has a
normal room temperature (ranges from 41°F to 77°F / 5°C to 25°C)
and good ventilation.
Due to the enclosure material, this device must only be connected
to a USB 2.0 or higher.
Do not replace the built-in battery yourself. Contact an authorized
service center to replace it.
The remote control contains batteries which can be swallowed.
Keep the remote control out of the reach of children.
Risk of explosion! Keep batteries away from heat, direct sunlight, or
re. Never dispose of batteries by burning.
Remove the batteries when the remote control has not been used
for a long period of time.
Replace the remote control batteries only with the same or an
equivalent type.
Batteries contain chemical substances and they should be
disposed of properly.
Charge this device regularly. Do not store this device with a
completely discharged battery.
Use a soft, lint-free cloth. Never use liquid, gaseous, or easily
flammable cleansers to clean.
Do not use any liquid cleaning agents to clean the lens to avoid
damaging the coating lm on the lens.
Wipe the surfaces gently. Be careful that you do not scratch the
Use lens cleaning paper to clean the lens.
Do not make any repairs to this device yourself. Only have your
device repaired by an authorized service center.
Improper maintenance can result in injuries to persons or damage
to this device.
Refer all servicing to qualied service personnel.
Possibly hazardous optical radiation emitted from this device.
Do not stare directly at the operating beam. The bright light may
damage your eyes.

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