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Declaration of Conformity: Memorysolution GmbH
declares that this product conforms to the relevant EU
directives for this type of products. The full Declaration
of Conformity for this is
included in this box.
internal antenna
2. Remove the battery as shown on the picture below.
Remove the SIM card from the SIM holders.
Your device has an internal antenna like all other radio
transmitting devices. Do not thouch the antenna
unnecessarily when the mobile phone is switched on.
Touching the antenna leads to corrupt calls and your device
has to operate at a higher power level.
To have a long product life and an optimal antenna
performance avoid contact with the antenna area when using
the device.
3. Insert the battery and slide the back cover into its
remove battery and SIM card
1. To remove the back cover of the device, push the release
button (1) and slide the back cover to the rear side of the
device (2).
Now you can lift off the cover.
keys and parts
Get started
2. Remove the battery as shown on the picture below. Insert the
SIM cards into the SIM card holder and make sure that the
gold-colored contacts facing down.
switch the phone on and off
To disable the look press „unlock“ and „ok“.
volume control
change the battery
To adjust the earpiece or loudspeaker volume during a call
or when listening to an audio file, use the volume key.
To activate or deactivate the loudspeaker during a call,
select loudspeaker or handset.
Your battery has been partially charged by the factory.
If the device indicates a low charge, do the following
1. Connect the charger to a power outlet.
2. Connect the charger to the device.
3. Insert the battery and slide the back cover into its place.
Continuous exposure to high volume may
damage your hearing. Pay special attention to
volume level if you connect any other headsets
to the device or when using the loudspeaker.
1. Earpiece
2. Display
3. Function key
4. Dial key
5. FM Hot key
6. Keypad
7. Navigation key
8. Address Book key
9. Dial key
10. End / power key
11. Function key
12. Flashlight
13. Microphone
14. Headphone connector
15. Charger connector
16. Camera lens
17. Loudspeaker
insert SIM card and battery
1. To remove the back cover of the device, push the
release button (1) and slide the back cover to the rear
side of the device (2).
Now you can lift off the cover.
3. When the battery is fully charged, disconnect the
charger from the device and then from the power
You do not need to charge the battery from a specific
length of time, and you can use the device while
charging. If the battery is completely discharged, it may
take serveral minutes before the device switch-on or
before calls can be made.
keypad look (keyquard)
To set the device to automatically lock the keypad after
a certain time, Setting > Phone setting > Auto keypad
lock and select the desired time.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Mustang M31

Mustang M31 Snelstart handleiding - Deutsch - 1 pagina's

Mustang M31 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 30 pagina's

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