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• Place your coffee maker on a flat,
stable, heat-resistant surface away
from water splashes and any sources of
• Plug the coffee maker into a power
source with the same voltage as
indicated on the appliance.
• Operate the coffee maker once
without coffee with 0,65 litre of water
to rinse the circuit out.
(Follow illustrations 1 to 6)
• Fill the water tank with cold water.
• Only use cold water and a No. 4
paper filter.
• Never exceed the maximum amount
of water shown by the tank
• Be sure to close the cover on the filter
holder before switching on the coffee
maker (as hot water may run out onto
the work surface).
• Place the jug onto the hot plate.
• Push the switch down, the red light
comes on and the coffee maker starts
to operate.
• Push the switch up to switch off the
coffee maker.
• If you want to serve a cup of coffee
before the end of the cycle, simply
remove the jug from the hot plate. The
coffee will stop flowing automatically.
Return the jug to the plate quickly so
that the coffee may continue flowing.
• At the end of a cycle, wait for around
one minute until the water in the filter
stops flowing into the jug. We
recommend leaving the lid on the jug
so that it is easier to use and so that the
coffee stays at the right temperature
for longer.
• Switch off when the jug is empty or
when the appliance is not in use.
• If you want to prepare another coffee,
switch off the appliance and wait for 10
minutes so that the heating elements
can cool down.
Important: if you do not let the appliance
cool down between two uses, the water
in the water compartment may overheat
and a jet of steam may be emitted when
it is opened, which could cause scalding.
• Push the switch down, the red light
comes on and the coffee maker starts
to operate.
• Push the switch up to switch
off the coffee maker.
a Cover that opens wide
b Removable filter holder
c Water level
d Water tank
e Jug
f Hot plate
g On/Off switch
• Read the instructions for use carefully
before using your appliance for the
first time: the manufacturer does not
accept responsibility for use that does
not comply with the instructions.
• This appliance is not intended for use
by persons (including children) with
reduced physical, sensory or mental
capacities, or lack of experience and
knowledge, unless they have been
given supervision or instruction
concerning use of the appliance by a
person responsible for their safety.
Children should be supervised to
ensure that they do not play with the
• Before plugging the appliance in,
make sure that the power it uses
corresponds to your electrical supply
system and that the outlet is earthed.
Any error in the electrical connection
will negate your guarantee.
• Your appliance is designed for
domestic use only. Any commercial
use, inappropriate use or failure to
comply with the instructions, the
manufacturer accepts no
responsibility and the guarantee will
not apply.
• Unplug the appliance when you have
finished using it and when you clean it.
• Do not use the appliance if it is not
working properly or if it has been
damaged. If this occurs, contact an
authorised service centre.
• All interventions other than cleaning
and everyday maintenance by the
customer must be performed by an
authorised service centre.
• Do not use the appliance if the power
cord or plug is damaged. The power
cord must be replaced by an
authorised centre to prevent any
• Do not immerse the appliance, power
cord or plug in water or any other
• Do not leave the power cord within
reach of children.
• The power cord must never be close
to or in contact with the hot parts of
your appliance, near a source of heat
or over a sharp edge.
• For your safety, only use the
manufacturer’s accessories and spare
parts designed for your appliance.
• Do not pull on the cord to unplug the
• Do not pour water into the appliance
if it is still hot.
• Always close the lid (a) when running
the coffee maker.
• All appliances are subject to strict
quality control procedures. These
include actual usage tests on
randomly selected appliances, which
would explain any traces of use.
• Never put your coffee jug on a
• Do not use the jug without the lid.
• This appliance is intended to be used
only in the household.
It is not intended to be used in the
following applications, and the
guarantee will not apply for:
- staff kitchen areas in shops, offices
and other working environments;
- farm houses;
- by clients in hotels, motels and other
residential type environments;
- bed and breakfast type
cafetière lumen noveo_ROBOR BAGUIO 14/12/11 09:49 Page4

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Andere handleiding(en) van Moulinex FG1008 - NOVEO

Moulinex FG1008 - NOVEO Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 4 pagina's

Moulinex FG1008 - NOVEO Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 4 pagina's

Moulinex FG1008 - NOVEO Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 4 pagina's

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