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happens, please contact an approved
Moulinex service centre (see list in the ser-
vice booklet).
- Any intervention other than normal cleaning
and maintenance by the customer must be
carried out by an approved Moulinex ser-
vice centre.
- Do not place the appliance, the power cord
or the plug in water or any other liquid.
- Do not allow the power cord to hang down
within reach of children.
- The power cord must never come into close
proximity or in contact with the hot parts of
your appliance, close to a source of heat or
rest on sharp edges.
- If the power cord or the plug become
damaged, do not use the appliance. In order
to avoid any risk, these must be replaced by
an approved Moulinex service centre (see
list in the service booklet).
- For your own safety, use only the
accessories and spare parts from Moulinex
which are suitable for your appliance.
- All appliances undergo strict quality controls.
Practical user tests are performed with a few
appliances selected at random, which
explains any traces of use.
- At the end of a program, always wear oven
gloves to handle the bowl or the hot parts of
the appliance. The appliance becomes very
hot during use.
- Never obstruct the air vent grid.
- Take great care as steam may escape when
you open the lid at the end of or during the
- When you use program 10 (jam, com-
pote), beware that there may be a jet of
steam and hot splashes when you open
the lid.
Before first use
- Unpack the appliance and wash the bowl
and the accessories in water and washing-
up liquid. Rinse and dry with care.
- Clean the tank using a damp sponge.
Using your appliance
Using the “Home Bread” you can produce
bread and rolls, brioches, cakes, dough, jams
and compotes completely automatically, once
you have programmed your appliance.
When you select a program, this starts a
sequence of actions which are performed
automatically one after another.
- Plug in the appliance
“P1” for the program “1” appears in the display
followed by the corresponding time.
- Open the lid.
- Remove the bowl (E) using the handle and
make sure the mixer (F) is in the correct
- Place the ingredients in the bowl in the order
given in the recipe.
- Replace the bowl in the tank, positioning it
correctly on the drive located in the base of
the tank. Then press the bowl down to en-
gage it on the drive and the two lateral lugs.
- Close the lid.
- Using the “Menu” control (I6), select the
The corresponding time will be displayed.
- If you want program 1, do not press the
“Menu” control (I6) but simply go straight to
the browning (I5) and weight (I3) adjustment
- Using control (I5), adjust the browning on a
scale from 1 to 3.
At the bottom of the display, an arrow will point
to the setting selected:
. 1/lightly browned, 2/browned, and 3/very
Depending on your taste, you can change the
browning level recommended in the recipe.
- Using the control (I3), select the weight: 500
or 750 g. Follow the instructions in the recipe.
At the side of the display, an arrow will point to
the weight selected.
If you have chosen one of the programs from
5 to 10, the level of browning and the weight
are selected automatically (browning: arrow
on 2 / weight: arrow on 750 g).
- Press the «start/stop» switch (I4) to start the
The time starts to count down in the display.
A beep indicates the end of the program.
You can remove the bowl (E) immediately:
. Press the "start/stop" switch (I4) to stop the
appliance and unplug it.
. Take the bowl by the handle using oven
gloves and remove it. Run a plastic spatula
around the preparation, if necessary, then
turn the bowl upside down to turn out the

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Zoeken resetten

  • Ik heb via Marktplaats deze broodbakmachine gekocht, maar ik vind het keuzemenu nogal onduidelijk en ook de handleiding vind ik niet helder. Gesteld op 16-9-2023 om 18:22

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