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Thank you for choosing an appliance from the
Moulinex range which is intended exclusively
for making bread, brioches, cakes, doughs,
jams and compotes.
A Main body of the appliance
B Lid with viewing window
C Air vent grid
D Tank
E Bowl
F Mixer
G Graduated beaker
H Double measuring spoon
a = 1 teaspoon
b = 1 tablespoon
I Control panel:
I1 Display
I2 Delayed start button
I3 Weight adjustment control
I4 “Start/Stop” switch
I5 Browning adjustment control
I6 “Menu” control: program selection
Safety recommendations
- Read the instructions for use carefully
before using your appliance for the first
time: any use which does not conform to
the instructions will absolve Moulinex of
any liability.
- Never leave the appliance within reach
of children without supervision. The use
of this appliance by young children or by
disabled persons must always be
- Check that the voltage rating for your
appliance does in fact match that of your
household electrical wiring system.
Wiring instructions for U.K and Ireland
only :
Important : For your convenience this
appliance is supplied complete with a plug
incorporating a 3 amp fuse.
In the event of replacing a fuse in the plug
supplied, a 3 amp fuse approved by ASTA to
BS1362 must be used.
If the socket outlets are not of the 13A BS 1363
type, and therefore do not accept the plug
connected to this appliance, cut off the plug if
moulded type or remove the plug if connected
by screw terminals.
When the plug is a moulded type and this is cut
off from the appliance, the connected wires
are a shock hazard. Do not under any
circumstances connect a cut off plug into the
electrical socket outlet. The cut off plug must
be disposed of in a safe manner that prevents
any form of connection.
If the fuse cover is detachable, never use the
plug with the cover omitted. Replacement
covers can be obtained from your service
Fit the appropriate plug according to the ins-
tructions in paragraph "Fitting a plug". With
alternative plugs a 5 amp fuse must be fitted
either in the plug or adaptor or at the main fuse
The wires in the mains lead are coloured in
accordance with the following code:
But the colours may not correspond with the
coloured markings identifying the terminals in
your plug, proceed as follows:
The wire which is coloured BLUE must be
connected to the terminal which is marked
with the letter ‘N’ or coloured black. The wire
which is coloured BROWN must be connected
to the terminal which is marked with the letter
‘L’ or coloured red.
This appliance is manufactured to conform to
the Low Voltage Electrical Equipment (Safety)
Regulations 1989 and is designed to comply
with BS 3456. It complies with the requirements
of the EEC Directive (89/336/EEC).
Any connection error will render the
guarantee null and void.
- It is essential that your appliance is
connected by means of an earthed plug.
Non-compliance with this obligation can
cause an electric shock and may lead to
serious injury. It is vital for your own safety
that the earth socket corresponds to the
electrical installation standards in force in
your country. If your system does not include
an earthed socket, it is vital that you call in
an approved body before plugging in the
appliance, in order to bring your electrical
system up to standard.
- Your appliance is intended only for domestic
use, and within the home.
- Unplug your appliance as soon as you have
finished using it and when you are cleaning
- Do not use your appliance if it is not working
correctly or if it has been damaged. If this

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  • Ik heb via Marktplaats deze broodbakmachine gekocht, maar ik vind het keuzemenu nogal onduidelijk en ook de handleiding vind ik niet helder. Gesteld op 16-9-2023 om 18:22

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