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36 General information
extreme humidity or heavy perspiration, sand, dirt or the like, extreme heat, or food; (c)
use of the Products or Accessories for commercial purposes or subjecting the Product
or Accessory to abnormal usage or conditions; or (d) other acts which are not the fault of
Motorola or SUNCORP are excluded from coverage.
Use of Non-Motorola branded Products and Accessories. Defects or damage that result
from the use of Non-Motorola branded or certied Products or Accessories or other
peripheral equipment are excluded from coverage.
Unauthorized Service or Modication. Defects or damages resulting from service,
testing, adjustment, installation, maintenance, alteration, or modication in any way by
someone other than Motorola, SUNCORP or its authorized service centers, are excluded
from coverage.
Altered Products. Products or Accessories with (a) serial numbers or date tags that
have been removed, altered or obliterated; (b) broken seals or that show evidence of
tampering; (c) mismatched board serial numbers; or (d) nonconforming or non-Motorola
branded housings, or parts, are excluded from coverage.
Communication Services. Defects, damages, or the failure of Products or Accessories
due to any communication service or signal you may subscribe to or use with the Products
or Accessories is excluded from coverage.
How to Obtain Warranty Service or Other Information?
To obtain service or information, please call: (65) 68412668.
Email: support@alcom.com.sg
You will receive instructions on how to ship the Products or Accessories at your expense
and risk, to a SUNCORP Authorized Repair Center.
To obtain service, you must include: (a) the Product or Accessory; (b) the original proof of
purchase (receipt) which includes the date, place and seller of the Product; (c) if a warranty
card was included in your box, a completed warranty card showing the serial number
of the Product; (d) a written description of the problem; and, most importantly; (e) your
address and telephone number.
Technical Information
How many telephones can I have? All items of telephone equipment have a Ringer
Equivalence Number (REN), which is used to calculate the number of items which may be
connected to any one telephone line. Your T2 has a REN of 1. A total REN of 4 is allowed.
If the total REN of 4 is exceeded, the telephones may not ring. With dierent telephone
types, there is no guarantee of ringing, even when the REN is less than 4.
Any additional handsets and chargers that you register have a REN of 0.
Connecting to a switchboard
This product is intended for use within Singapore for connection to the public telephone
You may need to use the recall function if you are connected to a switch. Contact your
PABX supplier for further information.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Motorola T203

Motorola T203 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 88 pagina's

Motorola T203 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 40 pagina's

Motorola T203 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 88 pagina's

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