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For a full explanation of all features and instructions, please refer to the User’s Guide.
1. Setting up your Digital Video Baby Monitor
Connect the small plug of
the power adapter to the
Baby Unit and the other end
to a suitable electrical
Only use the enclosed
adapter (5V DC/1000mA).
Ensure the ON/OFF switch
is switched to the "ON"
A. Connecting the power supply for the Baby Unit
The rechargeable battery pack
supplied should be installed so that the
Parent Unit can be moved without
losing the link and picture from the
camera unit(s). Charge the battery in
the Parent Unit before you use it for the
first time or when the Parent Unit
indicates the battery is low.
Insert the wire tab of the rechargeable
battery pack into the contact slot as
shown and fit the battery pack into the
B. Installing the battery pack for the Parent Unit
Place the battery
compartment cover over the
battery, making sure the
battery wires are carefully
pushed down and the cover
fits properly.
Use a small cross-head or
flat-end screwdriver to
tighten the screw and secure
the cover, as shown.
C. Fastening the cover for the Parent Unit
Connect the small plug of the
power adapter to the parent
unit and the other end to a
suitable electrical outlet.
Only use the enclosed adapter
(5V DC / 600mA).
Recommend charging at least
12 hours before first use.
D. Connecting the power supply for the Parent Unit
Strangulation Hazard. Children
have STRANGLED in cords. Keep
this cord out of the reach of
children (more than 3ft (1m)
away). Never use extension cords
with AC Adapters. Only use the
AC Adapters provided.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Motorola MBP35S

Motorola MBP35S Gebruiksaanwijzing - English - 30 pagina's

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