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Overview of your Baby unit
12. Power LED
13. Microphone
14. Power adapter
15. FIND key
1. Safety Instructions
STRANGULATION HAZARD - Keep the adapter cord out of baby's reach.
NEVER place the baby monitor or its cord within the crib.
Secure the cord some distance away from baby's reach.
Never use extension cords with AC Adapters. Only use the AC Adapters provided.
This baby monitor is compliant with all relevant standards regarding electromagnetic
fields and is, when handled as described in the User’s Guide, safe to use. Therefore,
always read the instructions in this User’s Guide carefully before using the device.
Adult assembly is required. Keep small parts away from children when assembling.
This product is not a toy. Do not allow children to play with it.
This baby monitor is not a substitute for responsible adult supervision.
Keep this User’s Guide for future reference.
Do not place the baby unit or cables in the crib or within arm's reach of the baby
(the unit should be at 3.5 feet away).
Keep the cords out of reach of children.
Do not cover the baby monitor with a towel or blanket.
Never use extension cords with power adapters. Only use the power adapters
Test the baby monitor before use. Become familiar with its functions.
Do not use the baby monitor near water.
Do not install the baby monitor near a heat source.
Only use the chargers and power adapters provided. Do not use other chargers
or power adapters as this may damage the device and batteries.
Only insert batteries of the same type. Never use ordinary, nonrechargeable
batteries in the parent unit. Insert batteries with the right polarity (indicated in
the battery compartment).
Do not touch the charger or plug contacts with sharp or metal objects.
Risk of explosion if battery is replaced by an incorrect type. Dispose of used
batteries according to the instructions.
2. Getting Started
2.1 Baby unit power supply
2.1.1 Connect the small plug of the power adapter to the power
connector on the baby unit and the other end of the adapter to
an electrical outlet (100-240Vac~50/60Hz).
Only use the enclosed power adapter (5V DC /600mA).
2.2 Parent unit battery installation
The Parent unit can be used with either the rechargeable battery pack (2.4V
600mAh Ni-MH rechargeable battery pack supplied) or via the power adapter
Never use ordinary, non-rechargeable batteries. The power outlet adapter provides
a charging function, and non-rechargeable batteries may explode and
cause damage!
The Ni-MH rechargeable batteries must be charged for 16 hours before using the
Parent unit without the power outlet.
We recommend the rechargeable batteries are installed, so that the unit
continues to work in the event of a power failure.
1. Using a screwdriver, turn the screw of the battery cover on the back of the
parent unit 90 degrees in a counterclockwise direction. Remove the battery
Rotate the belt clip to its hanging position to make it easier to access the battery
Do not try to turn the screw further beyond the
position marked on the cover.
2. Insert one battery pack with 2 AAA size Ni-MH rechargeable batteries.
3. Close the battery compartment and turn the screw back 90 degrees back in a
clockwise direction.
4. Press and hold
P. The Power (ON / ) LED will illuminate red if it only
has battery power.
5. Press and hold
P to switch off the parent unit.
When the battery level is low, the red power LED will flash and the parent unit will
emit a warning beep once every minute. If the baby unit loses power or goes out of
range, the link will be lost and the parent unit will emit a warning beep every 20
seconds and the green link LED on the parent unit will continue to flash.
Do not mix old batteries with new ones.
Keep batteries away from small children.
Do not short-circuit batteries or dispose of in fire.
Remove the batteries if this device is not going to be used for a long period of time.
Table of contents
1. Safety Instructions........................................................................ 6
2. Getting Started .............................................................................. 7
2.1 Baby unit power supply ................................................................ 7
2.2 Parent unit battery installation...................................................... 7
2.3 Parent unit power supply.............................................................. 9
2.4 Link............................................................................................... 9
2.5 Paging ........................................................................................ 10
3. Using the MBP10S ...................................................................... 10
3.1 Volume adjustment on the Parent unit ....................................... 10
4. Disposal of the Device in the Environment .............................. 10
5. Cleaning....................................................................................... 11
6. Help .............................................................................................. 11
7. General Information.................................................................... 12
1. Link indicator LED
2. Volume down
3. Power On/Off
4. Speaker
5. Volume up
6. Power (ON / )
7. Volume indicator
8. Power adapter
Overview of your Parent unit
9. Belt clip
10. Battery cover screw
11. Battery cover
This User’s Guide provides you with all the information you need to get
the most from your product.
Before you can use the baby monitor, you’ll need to insert and fully
charge the battery on the Parent unit. Please read the Safety
Instructions in section 1 “Safety Instructions” before you install the units.
Got everything?
1 x Parent unit
1 x Baby unit
1 x Rechargeable battery pack for the Parent unit
1 x Power adapter for the Parent unit
1 x Power adapter for the Baby unit
to your new Motorola Digital Baby Monitor!
Thank you for purchasing the MBP10S. This baby monitor uses digital
communication which ensures that you can hear your baby clearly
without any distracting noise or interference.
Please retain your original dated sales receipt for your records. For
warranty service of your Motorola product, you will need to provide a
copy of your dated sales receipt to confirm warranty status. Registration
is not required for warranty coverage.
For product related questions, please call:
US and Canada: 1-888-331-3383
The features described in this user’s guide are subject to
modifications without prior notice.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Motorola MBP10S

Motorola MBP10S Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 2 pagina's

Motorola MBP10S Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 2 pagina's

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