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The Morco GB is a wall mounted, room sealed, condensing combination boiler, featuring automatic spark
ignition and fan assisted combustion. The Morco GB is a combination boiler providing both central
heating and instantaneous domestic hot water (DHW) for taps and showers.
Due to the high efficiency of the boiler, condensate is produced from the flue gases and this exits the
boiler through a plastic waste pipe at the base of the boiler. A condensate ‘plume’ will also be visible at
the flue terminal.
The boiler has a number of safety features that will stop it working when problems are detected. The fault
codes that are shown on the boiler status display “D” identify the problem. Once the fault is corrected the
boiler can be reset using the mode control knob “A”. A list of fault codes can be found on page 8.
The boiler features a preheat function that allows the boiler to occasionally fire on its own to keep the
water within the boiler hot. This improves the speed with which hot water is delivered to taps or showers.
This function can be switched off if required.
The boiler must be installed, commissioned and maintained to the standards relevant to the country in
which the home is located.
It is essential that the instructions in this booklet are strictly followed, for safe and economical
operation of the boiler.
Electricity Supply
This appliance must be earthed.
Supply: 230 V ~ 50 Hz. The fusing should be 3A.
Important Notes
This appliance must be operated with the front casing correctly fitted and forming an adequate seal.
If the boiler is installed in a cupboard then the cupboard MUST NOT be used for storage purposes.
If it is known or suspected that a fault exists on the boiler then it MUST NOT BE USED until the fault
has been corrected by a qualified and competent Gas Installer.
Under NO circumstances should any of the sealed components on this appliance be used incorrectly
or interfered with.
This appliance must be operated with supervision to ensure safe operation from the ages of 8 years
and above, including people with reduced physical, sensory or mental capabilities. Any maintenance
or cleaning shall not be completed without supervision.
Boiler Controls
A. Mode Control Knob
B. DHW/Preheat Control Knob
C. CH Control Knob
D. Boiler Status
E. Burner ‘ON’ Indication
F. Pre Heat on/off Indication
G. Programmer
H. Pressure Gauge
J. Condensate Drain
K. Gas Isolation Valve (on position

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Andere handleiding(en) van Morco GB30

Morco GB30 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 10 pagina's

Morco GB30 Gebruiksaanwijzing - English - 36 pagina's

Morco GB30 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 10 pagina's

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