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Home charger-specific safety information
To charge your Mio from the mains power, use the home charger supplied by Mio as an accessory (may be sold separately).
Using other home chargers with your Mio could result in serious injury or property damage.
Never use the charger if the plug or cord is damaged.
Do not expose the charger to moisture or water. Do not use the charger in a high moisture environment. Exposure to water may
cause electrical sparks or fires.
Never touch the charger when your hands or feet are wet.
Allow adequate ventilation around the charger when using it to operate your Mio or charge the internal battery. Do not cover
the charger with paper or other objects that will reduce ventilation. Do not use the charger while it is inside a carrying case or
other container.
Ensure that the charger is connected to a power source with the correct fitting and voltage requirements. The voltage
requirements can be found on the home charger casing and/or packaging.
Do not attempt to service the charger as this could result in personal injury. Replace the charger if it is damaged or exposed to
excess moisture.
Internal battery-specific safety information
Your Mio contains a non-replaceable internal lithium-ion battery. The battery may burst or explode if mishandled, releasing
hazardous chemicals. To reduce the risk of fire or burns, do not disassemble, crush or puncture the battery.
Recycle or dispose of the battery safely and properly according to local laws and regulations. Do not dispose of the battery in
fire or water.
About the battery
Use a specified battery in the equipment.
CAUTION: The battery can burst or explode, releasing hazardous chemicals. To reduce the risk of fire or burns, do not
disassemble, crush, puncture, or dispose of in fire or water.
Important instructions (for service personnel only)
Caution: Risk of explosion if battery is replaced by an incorrect type. Dispose of used batteries according to the
Replace only with the same or equivalent type recommended by the manufacturer.
The battery must be recycled or disposed of properly.
Use the battery only in the specified equipment.
Only use the correct home charger (may be sold separately) or in-car charger supplied by Mio to charge your Mio internal
Only use your Mio internal battery with your Mio unit.
The Mio battery will stop charging when the ambient temperature is less than 0ºC (32ºF) or more than 45ºC (113ºF).
Failure to adhere to these warnings and cautions may lead to death, serious injury or property damage. Mio disclaims all
liability for installation or use of your Mio that causes or contributes to death, injury or property damage or that
violates any law.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Mio Spirit 497

Mio Spirit 497 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 116 pagina's

Mio Spirit 497 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 115 pagina's

Mio Spirit 497 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 115 pagina's

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