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The software is based in part on the work of the Independent JPEG Group.
The software application uses a modified version of the Minimal XML Library, Flickr Library and Python Library. The libraries and thier
use are covered by the GNU Lesser General Public License (www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html).
The modified source code is available from the following URLs:
Minimal XML Library: http://download.mio.com/opensource/gnu/mxml.zip
Flickr Library: http://download.mio.com/opensource/gnu/FlickrNet.zip
Python Library: http://download.mio.com/opensource/gnu/python25.zip
Speed Limit
Mio products are designed to be used as an aid to safer driving. Mio does not condone speeding or any other failure to comply with your
local traffic laws. It is your responsibility to drive within the posted speed limit at all times and to drive in a careful manner. Mio accepts
NO liability whatsoever for you receiving any speeding fines or points on your license through using this device. Mio does not guarantee
the accuracy of the data contained within this database either expressed or implied. In the event you receive a fine or any other penalty
for speeding or contravention of any traffic law, or are involved in an accident, Mio is not responsible for any damages of any type. In
some countries the data information regarding speed limits may conflict with local law and/or regulations. It is your responsibility to make
sure that your use of the data is in compliance with local laws and/or regulations. Usage is at your own risk.
Safety Camera POIs
Mio products are designed to be used as an aid to safer driving. You can receive messages to alert you to locations of safety cameras,
which will enable you to monitor your speed through these areas. Mio does not warrant that all types and locations of safety camera data
are available, as cameras may be removed, relocated or new cameras installed. Mio does not condone speeding or any other failure to
comply with your local traffic laws. It is your responsibility to drive within the posted speed limit at all times and to drive in a careful
manner. Mio accepts NO liability whatsoever for you receiving any speeding fines or points on your license through using this device.
Mio does not guarantee the accuracy of the data contained within this database either expressed or implied. In the event you receive a
fine or any other penalty for speeding or contravention of any traffic law, or are involved in an accident, Mio is not responsible for any
damages of any type. In some countries the data information regarding safety or speed cameras may conflict with local law and/or
regulations. It is your responsibility to make sure that your use of the data is in compliance with local laws and/or regulations. Usage is at
your own risk.
Mio operates a policy of ongoing development. Mio reserves the right to make changes and improvements to any of the products
described in this document without prior notice. Mio does not warrant that this document is error-free. The screenshots and other
presentations shown in this manual may differ from the actual screens and presentations generated by the actual product. All such
differences are minor and the actual product will deliver the described functionality as presented in this User Manual in all material

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Andere handleiding(en) van Mio Moov Spirit 500

Mio Moov Spirit 500 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 75 pagina's

Mio Moov Spirit 500 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 40 pagina's

Mio Moov Spirit 500 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 131 pagina's

Mio Moov Spirit 500 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 40 pagina's

Mio Moov Spirit 500 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 79 pagina's

Mio Moov Spirit 500 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 17 pagina's

Mio Moov Spirit 500 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 139 pagina's

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