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You can also activate this function
from the lowest power level. To do so
press and hold the + footswitch, until
the symbol for the highest power level
starts to flash.
To select an interim power setting
Press the - or + footswitch until the
required power level has been
After a minute without touching a con-
trol, the suction power interim setting
will be saved to the next highest or
lower setting. The flashing will stop.
The next time the vacuum cleaner is
used it will switch on with the saved in-
terim suction power level.
This setting will be deleted if you then
select one of the standard 6 power
Footswitch with Boost function
(dia. 26 + 27)
Some models also feature a Boost
power function. This function uses in-
creased power for a short period for va-
cuuming both fine and coarse stubborn
Press the + footswitch until the max-
imum power level has been reached.
Then press the + footswitch again.
This activates the Boost function for 20
seconds. The Boost indicator will light
up yellow.
You now have the following options:
Press the - footswitch before the 20
seconds have elapsed.
This switches the Boost function off
and activates maximum power.
Press the + footswitch again once the
20 seconds have elapsed.
This activates the Boost function a
second time for 20 seconds. It can be
activated three times in a row. After
that, a pause of one minute is required
before reactivating it.
Using the Boost power setting
changes the actual power consump-
tion (see “Notes on Delegated Regu-
lation (EU) No. 665/2013 and
Radio-control handle (dia. 28)
When the vacuum cleaner is switched
on with the On/Off foot control , the
Standby indicator on the vacuum
cleaner will light up yellow.
Press the Standby button on the
The Standby indicator on the va-
cuum cleaner will go out.
The first time the vacuum cleaner is
switched on, the highest setting will be
selected automatically.
After that the vacuum cleaner will
switch on at the setting which was used
Press the + button to select a higher
suction power level.
Press the - button to select a lower
suction power level.

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Zoeken resetten

  • Na het vervangen van de stofzak kan ik de toegangsklep niet meer sluiten, ik hen al de instructies gevolgd maar het ding blijft geblokkeerd. Wat te doen, hoe werkt dat mechanisme eigenlijk en is er een ander middel om te deblokkeren. Sowieso kan ik de stofzuiger niet gebruiken.
    Mvg, Maurice Dedeurwaerder. Gesteld op 18-3-2022 om 00:03

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