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Cleaning and maintenance
Caution! Danger of electrical shock! Always pull the plug before cleaning.
Never immerse the water kettle, cord and base fully into water.
The connector parts must not get wet. Contact of electrical parts with
moisture can cause short circuit and damage.
Caution danger of burning! Let the appliance cool down enough before
cleaning and storing it.
Wipe the unit only with a damp cloth. Never use metallic or sharp edged
cleaning material or sharp cleaning solvents while cleaning to avoid scratches
and damage.
Furring up is a common problem in hard water areas, and it is recommended
that a de-scaling fluid is used to remove the deposits (see next chapter).
The guarantee covers manufacturing and material faults whereas limestone
removing as part of cleaning and maintenance is not covered.
Never store the unit near a heating element - plastic parts of the housing
could melt. Store the unit in a dry place, not reachable for children.
The decalcification interval depends on the hardness of the water and the
frequency of use. Decalcification should be carried out every month. Please use
common decalcification agent (commercially available) and read and follow its
instructions of use closely.
The guarantee covers manufacturing and material faults whereas limestone
removing as part of cleaning and maintenance is not covered.
Technical data
Model RWK 2017
110-120/220-240V~ 50/60Hz 550-650W; capacity ca. 0,5 Ltr.
This appliance is tested according to GS and built to CE regulations.
Kettle does not operate
Kettle is not connected to the
mains outlet
Connect the plug to
the mains socket
The unit switches off
too early
The bottom of the unit is heavily
Descale the unit
The unit does not
switch off
The lid is not attached properly
Attach the lid
RESET switch does not
The boil-dry protection has
triggered and the unit has not
cooled down sufficiently
Let the unit cool
down a few minutes

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