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slices (more or less 2 mm thick). Prepare potatoes in their skin, which you will put into
a covered bowl or on the grill, in order to keep them warm. Put the raclette grill in the
middle of the table. Put the cheese into the raclette pans and place them under the
heating tube. The cheese will be melted after 3 or 4 minutes. As soon as the cheese
is melted and has a brownish-golden colour, you can serve it as it is on the plates or
spread it out on the potatoes. Add some fresh ground black pepper. Raclette is
served with raw ham, little onions and pickles, as well as wine.
Note: The Raclette pans and grill plate are non-stick coated. Only use wooden
spatulas to remove food from the pans and the plate in order not to scratch or
damage the non stick coating. Never use metallic objects with the pans and the grill
You can place the raclette pans for keeping warm onto the reflector plate under the
heating element. Caution! Grill plate, grill stone, housing, reflector plate and
pans get very hot during usage! Only touch the cool touch handles and always use
oven cloth.
After use always switch into OFF position, unplug and let the appliance cool down.
Cleaning instruction
Caution! Danger of electrical shock! Never immerse the unit, cord and plug fully into
water. The connector parts must not get wet. Contact of electrical parts with
moisture causes short circuit and damage. Never place the appliance or parts of it in
an automatic dishwasher. Before cleaning or moving the appliance always unplug and
let it cool down!
It is absolutely necessary to keep this appliance clean at all times as it comes into
direct contact with food.
Wipe the surface and housing of the appliance with a paper towel or a soft cloth only
slightly moistened.
Never immerse the grill stone into water until it has cooled down completely!
Otherwise it could break! It is recommended not to treat the grill stone with
detergents, because it is porous and detergents could intrude into the stone. This
could have influence on the taste of the grilled food and also can dry out the stone
and cause breakage. Clean the stone when it is cooled down enough by wiping with
salt only. Then rinse with clear water and let it dry. For storing also grease it slightly to
keep it pliable.
Do not clean the non-stick coated surface of the grill plate, raclette pans and the surface
of the housing with any abrasive scouring pad or steel wool as this will cause damage.
Let all dry thoroughly. Use a slightly damp cloth with some drops of domestic dish
washing detergent for sticking dirt. If necessary clean the grill plate and reflector with
soapy water, then wipe and dry thoroughly. The unit must always be completely dry
before using again.
Do not wind the cable around the appliance. Never store the cable before the appliance
has cooled down completely.
Never store the appliance near a heating element, plastic parts could get damaged.
The appliance must be stored in a dry place which is unapproachable for children.

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