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Operating of the device
Caution! Never leave the appliance unattended when it is in operation!
Please follow the sequence below when adjusting the appliance. You can adjust power (watts)
and cooking time (hours/minutes).
Power levels: 300 / 500 / 600 / 800 / 1000 / 1100 / 1200 / 1400 / 1600 / 1800 W
Time presetting: 3 hours or 180 minutes (in 1 minute steps)
Before plugging always place suitable cookware filled with food centred onto the induction cooking
plate. Otherwise error function will occur (see Chapter “Safety function”).
Insert the plug into a suitable socket, a short acoustic signal resounds. The appliance switches into
Standby Mode.
Now press the ON/OFF switch to turn the device on. A short acoustic signal resounds (whenever
you press a button again or new button, a short acoustic signal resounds). The fan inside begins
to work. The display now shows automatically 1800 for highest power level. This is an automatic
The appliance is now in the power mode. Select the desired power level higher or lower by pressing
the (down) or + (up) buttons. You can adjust the power levels from 300W to 1800W. You can
make adjustments of power mode manually by pressing the arrow buttons.
Use the button "TIMER" for pre-setting the cooking time or controlling the cooking time remained.
Adjust the cooking time by pushing the Up and Down buttons. Time is adjustable between
1 minute (00:01) and 3 hours 02:59 (= 180 minutes).
When pushing TIMER button one time only, the digits for hour are active and show the cooking
time adjusted or the remaining cooking time in h:min. The left digits showing the hours, are
flashing. To change the time just push the Up and Down buttons.
When pushing the TIMER button a second time, the digits for minutes are active and flashing.
To change also push the arrow buttons. To save the adjusted time, just wait some seconds without
pushing any button.
TIMER function is active as long as the LED control lamp above the clock symbol is illuminated. To
deactivate/delete the timer function, push the TIMER button several times, till the control lamp above
switches off. Now timer is off. The display will now indicate the last value of power level which has
been adjusted before. When the adjusted time has elapsed, an acoustic signal will sound and the
appliance will change into standby mode.
After finishing the cooking or keeping warm process always switch off the device and unplug. All
functions can be adjusted manually by pressing the corresponding buttons. We recommend to follow the
instructions in chapter “Operating of the device”. Do not use the appliance if it shows any sign of damage
or malfunction. Please contact the customer service (see “Warranty claims”) in such case. Do not put
empty cook ware on the appliance and do not leave cookware too long on the appliance to avoid comp-
letely boiling away of the liquid. Overheating of cookware will activate the boil dry protection of the device.
Note: If the unit displays the error code E2, it has been overheated by too hot cookware.
In this case turn off and unplug the appliance and let it cool down completely.
Lock function
Press the ”Lock” button for several seconds until the Lock indicator light shines to lock up the functions.
In the state, no buttons can be operated and misuse can be avoided.
To unlock, press the “Lock” button again for several seconds until the Lock indicator light turns off.
Safety functions
All error codes you will find in the table below. Please see "safety functions" on page 15 and 16 also.
Possible cause and corrective action
Display shows E-0
No pot on heating plateԁ
No pot that suits, pot bottom surface less than 10 cm
Put the pot correctly on the middle of the plate

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