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Using the hair dryer
Caution! Danger of burning! The nozzle and the front part of the blast pipe can get
hot during operation. Hot air exhausts from the appliance. Never touch hot parts as
nozzle or blast pipe of the appliance! Always take care not to get burned by hot air.
Caution! Risk of injury! The appliance is supplied with a cord winding function.
Always tightly hold the plug at the end of the cord while using the cord winder to
avoid any risk of injury by fast moving cord and plug.
After washing, towel your hair. Then use the dryer. Plug in the appliance and select the
switch position for the right temperature and airflow. For more body and bounce of your
rolled up curls (round brush) turn on the cool-shot and let the cool air blow on the hot curl.
Switch airflow Switch heat level
off =
low heat =
medium airflow =
medium heat =
maximum airflow =
maximum heat =
Cool Shot
Maximum airflow – minimum heat. As long as the button under the blast pipe is kept
pressed, the air temperature is kept lower.
Cord winding function
Hold the plug at the end of the cord tightly bevor pressing the cord winder button. This can
avoid risk of injury and damage by fast moving cord and plug. When pulling at the cord in
order to unroll it, note that there is a red mark at the end of the cord. Don’t pull out more to
avoid damaging the cord.
Concentrator nozzle
Allows a concentrated jet of air when styling your hair. For exactly drying of rolled up curls
over a round brush.
Volume diffusor
For more volume in thin hair, will loosen strong hair.
After each use switch of and unplug the hairdryer.
Cleaning and storing
Caution Danger of electrical shock! Always pull the plug before cleaning. Never
immerse the appliance into water.
Let the appliance cool down completely, before cleaning and storing it.
Protect your unit against dust and oil. Wipe hairdryer only with a damp cloth.
The rear grill can be opened for cleaning. Push slightly against the opener on the top
of the rear grill and flip open. The bottom of the rear grill is fixed at the unit, to avoid
loosing it. Take care to close the rear grill again firmly after cleaning.
Store the unit in a dry place unreachable for children.

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