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Add your food into the bowl. Do not overfill the bowl to avoid overflow.
Attach the chopper cover to the bowl.
To fit the power handle, attach the cover of the mixing bowl into exact position. Press it
down till it is engaged firmly.Take the power handle, attach it on top of the lid (figure 1)
and turn it to the left till locked (figure 2). Ensure that the power handle is fixed
Plug in, hold the unit steady, then press on/off button.
After use, unplug and dismantle.
Note: Never prepare hard materials like frozen food, old bread, or uneatable material like
cheese rind, bones and gristles or stalks and fruit stones. The appliance is not suited for
hard material.
How to use the whisk
You can wipe light ingredients such as egg whites, cream, instant desserts and eggs and
sugar for whisked sponges.
The whisk is not suited for preparing cream or egg white. Preparing egg white and cream
needs more time then short term poeration allows.
Do not whisk heavier mixtures such as margarine and sugar this may damage the whisk.
Push the wire whisk into the whisk collar.
Fit the power handle inside the whisk collar, turn and lock.
Place your food into a bowl. Do not whisk more than 4 egg whites or 400 ml cream.
Plug in. First immerse the whisk into the food to be whisked then switch on.
Don not let liquid running above the shaft to avoid any intrusion into the electrical parts.
After each use, unplug and dismantle.
Wall mount
Find two holes for screws in the back of the wall mount. If desired use 2 screws to fix the
wall mount. You can store the unit and accessories in the wall mount.

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