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- Do not use the charger outdoors. The charger and its
cord and power plug may not be exposed to the
weather, moisture or heat sources.
- Do not put the appliance on a wet surface when it is
connected to the charger.
Open the package and remove the appliance carefully.
Remove the packing material.
Check whether the content of the package is complete.
Check the appliance and the accessories for transport damage.
If at all possible, keep the packaging until the end of the warranty period.
Before initial operation
1. Attach the vacuum tool (1) to the connection point (10) on the appliance. Turn the vacuum tool
(1) in the connection (10) to firmly connect the vacuum tool to the appliance. Make sure that the
pins on the vacuum tool (1) slide into the grooves of the connection (1). Fig. 2
2. Screw the cleaning pad attachment with spray head (5) onto the water tank (7). Fig. 3
3. Attach the microfibre mop pad (6). Fig. 4
Charging the battery (Fig. 5)
Charge the battery until full before initial use. The appliance is not delivered with a fully charged
1. Plug the charger jack (11) into the charging socket (12).
2. Plug the charger plug (9) to a wall socket.
3. The indicator lamp (4) flashes to indicate that charging is in progress.
4. The indicator lamp (4) is lit permanently to indicate that the battery is charged.
Initial operation
Caution! Do not use any foaming, corrosive, abrasive, aggressive or chemical cleaning with the
window and surface cleaner. This can damage the appliance.
1. Set the tip of the spray head (13) to stream (jet) or spray (water mist). (Fig. 6)
2. Fill the spray bottle with water and a suitable window cleaning agent.
3. Spray the surface to be cleaned.
4. Wipe the sprayed areas with the microfibre mop pad (6) and loosen the dirt sticking to the

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