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Waterproof binoculars are designed for all-weather activities.
They are waterproof, fog-proof, and anti-snow as well.
The distance between the eyes, called ”interpupillary
distance”, varies from person to person. To achieve perfect
alignment of lens to eyes, follow these simple steps.
1.Hold your binocular in the normal viewing position
2.Grasp each barrel firmly. Move the barrels closer together
or further apart until you see a single circular field of view.
Always re-set your binocular to this position.
1.Set right eyepiece (A) to zero and sight on a distant object.
2.Cover right objective (front0lens with your hand, then
rotate central focusing wheel (B) until the image in the left
eyepiece is sharp. Keep both eyes open while making this
3.Cover left objective (front) lens with your hand then rotate
the right eyepiece until the image is sharp again.
4.Image should now be focused to your eye-strength. Note
diopter setting for future reference.
Unlike the traditional roll-down eyecups, Twist-Up eyecups
are designed for quick change of use either with or without
eyeglasses. If you do not wear sun/eyeglasses, twist the
eyecups up, and if you do, twist the eyecups down, This will
bring your eyes closer to the lens thus providing improved
field of view.
1. The strap is specially designed to keep the binocular
afloat and prevent the binocular from sinking in the water.
2. Before water sports activities, make sure the floating
strap is well equipped to the binocular.
1.Always store your binocular in its case when not in use.
2.When wiping the lenses, use a soft lintless cloth.
3. To remove any remaining dirt or smudges, add one or
tow drops of Isopropyl alcohol to the cloth
4.Store your binocular in a moisture-free area.
Never attempt to clean your binocular internally or try to take
it apart.
Viewing the sun can cause permanent eye damage. Do not
view the sun with this product or even with the naked eye.
If at any time in the future you should need to dispose of this
Please note that: Waste electrical products should not be
disposed of with household waste. Please recycle where
facilities exist. Check with your Local Authority or retailer for
advice. (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment Directive)

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