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11. Preventive maintenance
Because of the associated dangers, repairs and
preventive maintenance activities may be
performed only by the technical service or
professionals authorized by the manufacturer for
this purpose.
11.a In case of defects:
First have technical service inspect malfunctions or
damages and repair them, if applicable, before you
continue using the machine. This is the case, for
P if the housing is damaged
P if the power cord or power plug are damaged
or if the fuse for the circuit of your machine trips
P if water escapes from the machine
P if error messages are indicated on the display or
if the machine does not function normally
P if unusual odor can be detected or heat
development on the housing is apparent (the
housing is normally only warm to the touch
during operation).
In all of these cases, pull the plug from the outlet
and turn off the water. Then notify technical service.
11.b Inspection / Repair intervals
P After each 30.000 cups or 12 months of
operation (whichever occurs first), a major
maintenance of the machine must be
performed by technical service (chargeable
service). Take care to make such an
appointment early on to avoid unnecessary wear.
P Monitor the in-line water filters for effectiveness
as described in their documents. Replace all
water filters no later than every 12 months to
prevent germ formation and water contamination.
Upon request MELITTA
SystemService offers a
comprehensive maintenance contract which also
ensures the observation of all inspection and service
Do not dispose of the machine through
the communal domestic waste!
12. Disposal
The machine has been designed and manufactured
to facilitate environmentally friendly disposal.
12.a Waste disposal
The waste generated from brewing is purely organic
and may therefore be disposed off with the regular
household waste.
12.b Waste water disposal
The waste water generated from brewing and
cleaning corresponds to the properties of general
domestic waste water and may therefore by
discharged through the normal sewage system.
12.c Disposal of cleaning agents
The cleaning agents recommended in these
instructions and possibly to be obtained by the
SystemService comply with the legal
stipulations if used as instructed and may therefore
be discharged with the waste water through the
normal sewage system without additional measures.
12.d Disposing of the machine
coffee machines contain valuable raw
materials which should be directed to recycling.
Make sure to follow the applicable national and
regional legislation and guidelines regarding disposal.

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