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Radio wave radiation safety precautions
1. Avoid using the device in the vicinity of metal structures
(such as steel construction sites).
2. Avoid using the device in the vicinity of strong electromagnetic sources,
such as microwave ovens, speakers, TV and radios.
3. Use only original manufacturer approved accessories, or those that do not
contain any metal parts.
4. Using non-original manufacturer approved accessories may violate your local
RF exposure guidelines.
Radio wave (RF) signals
The mobile phone contains a radio transceiver, where the electromagnetic radiation
energy does not exceed the upper limit of Chinese regulations. These limits are part
of a comprehensive set of guidelines set based on human electromagnetic energy
radiation tolerance. These guidelines are set after thorough independent research
and are regularly updated and reassessed. These standards include ensure that
persons of any age or health status can use the devices safety.
The exposure standard for mobile phones is defined by the electromagnetic energy
absorption ratio (Specific Absorption Rate, or SAR) unit of measurement. Based on
this model, the maxiumum allowed SAR value is 2.0W/Kg.
The SAR value is tested in accordance with standard test procedures, such as the use
of normal phone positioning, and recording the maximum output power through
testing a variety of frequencies. Tthe SAR value is based on the highest measured
rate, but general real life mobile use will result in SAR levels well below this maximum.
Mobile phones are designed to use power flexibly, and to adjust the the power output
to achieve the base station demand level. In general, the closer to the base station the
mobile is, the less power it needs.
SAR information
This mobile device meets international guidelines for radio wave exposure.
The maximum SAR limit is at a value of 2.0W/Kg, while the measured maximum
SAR of this device is 0.823W/Kg, in line with the P.R.C. national standard
GB21288-2007, "Limits for human local exposure to electromagnetic fields
emitted by mobile phones".
* SAR values may vary by country, region and test environment. The use of
accessories may result in different absorption rates.
Other 61

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