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Technical Specifications
IR extender cable with 2 blinking LEDs
Connection: 3.5mm jack plug (mono)
IR LEDs: 2x IR LED (blink when transmitting IR signals)
Length of cable: 3 meters (plug to divison 2m, divison to LED 1m)
Marmitek is a trademark of Marmidenko BV | IR EYE 2™ is a trademark of Marmitek BV. All
rights reserved.
Copyright and all other proprietary rights in the content (including but not limited to model
numbers, software, audio, video, text and photographs) rests with Marmitek B.V. Any use of the
Content, but without limitation, distribution, reproduction, modification, display or transmission
without the prior written consent of Marmitek is strictly prohibited. All copyright and other
proprietary notices shall be retained on all reproductions.
Environmental Information for Customers in the European Union
European Directive 2002/96/EC requires that the equipment bearing this symbol on the product and/or its packaging
must not be disposed of with unsorted municipal waste. The symbol indicates that this product should be disposed
of separately from regular household waste streams. It is your responsibility to dispose of this and other electric and
electronic equipment via designated collection facilities appointed by the government or local authorities. Correct
disposal and recycling will help prevent potential negative consequences to the environment and human health. For more
detailed information about the disposal of your old equipment, please contact your local authorities, waste disposal service, or
the shop where you purchased the product.
IR Sensor
Los LED infrarrojos están provistos de una lámina autoadhesiva. Con esta
puede fijar los pequeños transmisores en el sensor infrarrojo de sus aparatos.
Ha de posicionarlos con mucha precisión. Compruebe la posición de los LED
IR antes de pegarlos en el sensor infrarrojo.
ATENCIÓN: Si utiliza solamente un aparato, deje el segundo transmisor
infrarrojo fijado al cable. ¡Nunca lo quite del cable!
I LED a infrarossi sono provvisti di una pellicola autoadesiva. In questo modo
potete fissare entrambi i trasmettitori sul sensore IR dell’impianto. Attenzione:
quest’operazione richiede precisione. Controllate la posizione dei LED IR
prima di attaccarli sul sensore.
ATTENZIONE: Se si utilizza solo un singolo apparecchio, non occorre usare il
secondo trasmettitore IR. Non staccarlo mai dal cavo!
De infrarood LED’s zijn voorzien van een zelfklevende folie. Hierdoor kunt u
de IR LED's op de IR vensters van uw A/V apparaten bevestigen. Let op, dit
komt nauwkeurig. Test eerst de positie van de IR LED’s voordat u ze vastplakt
op het IR venster.
LET OP: Gebruikt u maar één A/V apparaat, dan laat u de tweede IR LED
ongebruikt. Verwijder deze nooit van de kabel!
The infrared LEDs have a self-adhesive tape on the back. Use this to stick
them onto the IR sensor of your A/V equipment. This should be done
precisely. Test the position of the IR LEDs first.
ATTENTION: If you are only connecting one A/V device, then you don't need
to use the second IR LED. Never remove this LED from the wire!
Die Infrarot-LEDs sind mit einer selbstklebenden Folie versehen. Somit
können Sie die beiden IR LEDs auf dem Infrarotsensor Ihrer Geräte
befestigen. Achtung, das erfordert große Genauigkeit. Testen Sie erst die
Position der IR LEDs bevor Sie diese auf das Sensor kleben.
ACHTUNG: Wenn Sie nur ein Gerät bedienen wollen, lassen Sie den zweiten
IR Sender dann ungenutzt. Entfernen Sie diesen niemals vom Kabel!
Les LED infrarouges sont équipées d’un film auto-adhésif. Cela vous permet
de coller les deux LED IR sur le capteur IR de votre équipement A/V. Attention
: faites en sorte qu’ils soient positionnés de façon très précise.) Testez au
préalable la position des LED IR avant de les coller sur le capteur IR.
ATTENTION: Lorsque vous n’utilisez qu’un seul appareil, l’autre LED IR reste
hors d’usage. N’enlevez jamais cet LED IR du câble!

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