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Mamiya pioneered the 645 SLR system camera three decades ago and the
Mamiya 645 AFD , with its TTL auto-focus, auto-exposure, auto-flash and
auto-film winding features is the latest Mamiya masterpiece and reflects its
long tradition of medium format camera expertise.
Combining 35mm handling ease and speed with the advantages of an almost
3x larger image size, it is a full-featured camera, utilizing many digital con-
trols, LCD displays and is ready for the age of digital photography.
Its high-tech focal plane shutter with speeds up to 1/4000 sec. permits flash
sync up to 1/125 sec. and has an exclusive "Safety Retraction" feature, which
protects it against accidental damage.
The AE Prism Finder with its many features, protected by a sturdy magne-
sium housing, and also the Power Drive Grip, are now integral components of
the die cast aluminum camera body, designed for heavy professional use.
All the many features, safety interlocks and other important information are
covered in detail in these instructions. It is imperative that you read them
thoroughly before you put your camera to work, in order to ensure proper
operation and maximum results.
In order to acquaint yourself with the functions of the camera, you will want to
practice without film. Please see bottom of page 11 how the camera can be tested
without film.
Congratulations on your purchase of the Mamiya 645 AFD
Special Advice To Professional Photographers
Your Mamiya 645 AFD is designed for heavy professional use and will give you a long
service life if properly maintained. Your camera and lenses have many moving parts
which require periodic lubrication. Its electronic components, too, are subject to wear
and tear and are affected by ambient conditions like dust, sand, sea air, heat and mois-
If cameras had odometers like automobiles, it would be easier to specify servicing sched-
ules. May we suggest that if you shoot thousands of film rolls per year, you send your
equipment annually for servicing by the Mamiya distributor in your country.
Mamiya 645 AFD corresponds with digital backs compatible with MSC (Mamiya Serial
Communication of External) system.
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