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The EA3500F and EA4300F will be delivered in a protective cardboard box to prevent transport damage. Cardboard
is a basic raw material and is consequently reuseable or suitable for recycling (waste paper recycling).
Delivery inventory .................................................... 4
Symbols ................................................................... 4
Safety precautions ..............................................5-16
Denomination of components ................................ 17
Technical data........................................................ 18
Only for Models with fastening nuts on the sprocket guard
Mounting the guide bar and saw chain ........19-26
Tightening the saw chain ..................................
Checking the chain tension .............................. 21
Retightening the saw chain .............................. 21
Only for Models with QuickSet guide bar ..................
Mounting the guide bar and saw chain ............. 22
Tensioning the saw chain ................................. 23
Checking the chain tension .............................. 23
Retensioning the saw chain .............................. 23
Models with quick tensioner on sprocket guard ..........
Mounting the guide bar and saw chain ............. 24
Tightening the saw chain ..................................
Checking the chain tension ..............................
Retensioning the saw chain ..............................
Chain brake ........................................................... 26
Engaging the chain brake ...................................... 26
Fuel / Refuelling................................................27-28
Chain lubrication .................................................... 29
Starting the engine ................................................ 30
Stopping the engine............................................... 30
Checking the chain brake ...................................... 31
Working in winter ................................................... 31
Adjusting the carburetor ........................................ 32
Sharpening the saw chain ................................33-34
Cleaning the brake band and sprocket interior ...... 35
Cleaning the guide bar .......................................... 35
Replacing the saw chain........................................ 36
Cleaning the air lter.............................................. 37
Replacing the spark plug ....................................... 38
Checking the mufer screws ................................. 38
Replacing the starter cable .................................... 39
Replacing the return spring ................................... 39
Mounting the fan housing ...................................... 39
Cleaning the cylinder area ..................................... 40
Replacing the fuel lter .......................................... 40
Replacing / cleaning the spark arrester screen ..... 40
Instructions for daily and periodic maintenance .... 41
Service, spare parts and guarantee ...................... 42
Troubleshooting ..................................................... 43
Extract from the spare parts list ........................44-45
This product complies with: American National Standard Institute B 175.1-2000 chain saw safety standard.
Canadian Standards Association Z62.1-03 chain saw safety standard.
Z62.3-04 chain saw kickback standard.
Society of Automotive Engineers SAEJ 335-Jun 95 „Multiposition small
engine exhaust system re ignition
The Emissions Compliance Period referred to on the emission Compliance label indicates the number of operat-
ing hours for which the engine has been shown to meet federal emissions requirements. Category C= 50 hours,
B= 125 hours, and A= 300 hours.
With the purchase of this chain saw you have chosen a German quality product. Important instructions for the
assembly and operation of this saw are given in this manual. For your own safety, we ask you to read the acci-
dent prevention instructions very carefully before putting your chain saw into operation, as incorrect handling can,
despite all precautions, lead to accidents. With a little care and attention you will have good service and lasting
satisfaction from this rst-rate product.
EA3500F, EA4300F
Careless or improper use of this product can cause serious or even fatal injury.
Before operating a chain saw or other MAKITA products it is important that you read, fully understand and
carefully follow the instructions outlined in this operator’s manual. Kickback may cause severe or fatal injury
and is one of many potential dangers in operating a chain saw. Kickback and other safety related precauti-
ons are described in detail within this operator’s manual. Additional operator’s manuals are available from
www.makitausa.com and 1-800-4-MAKITA (462-5482) and MAKITA CANADA INC.,1950 Forbes Street, Whitby,
Ontario, L1N 7B7, Canada, Telephone: (905) 571 22 00.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Makita EA3500F

Makita EA3500F Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 40 pagina's

Makita EA3500F Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 40 pagina's

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