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Connection to the electric power sup-
ply must be carried out by a qualified
technician and following the appropri-
ate safety regulations;
Before carrying out the connection to
the power supply, the voltage rating of
the appliance (stamped on the appli-
ance identification plate) must be
checked for correspondence to the
available mains supply voltage, and
the mains electric wiring should be
capable of handling the hob’s power
rating (also indicated on the identifica-
tion plate);
The hob is supplied without a power
supply plug and therefore if you are
not connecting directly to the mains, a
standardized plug suitable for the load
must be fitted.
The power point must be connected to
a suitable earth wiring, in conformity to
current safety regulations.
It is possible to connect the appliance
directly to the mains supply by means
of a heavy duty switch with 3 mm mini-
mum distance between the contacts.
The power supply cord must not touch
against any hot surfaces and must be
placed so that its temperature does
not exceed 75°C at any point along its
After having installed the appliance,
the power switch or power plug must
always be in a accessible position.
N.B. For connections to the mains
power supply, never use adapters,
reductions or multiple power points
as these may overheat and catch fire.
In the event that installation should
require modifications to the mains sup-
ply wiring system or if the power plug is
not suitable for the type of power point
available, it is recommended that a qual-
ified technician be called to carry out
The technician will also have to verify
that the cross-section of the electric
cables on the power point match the
appliance’s power rating.
Connection to a good earth wiring
system is absolutely essential.
The manufacturer accepts no
responsibility for any inconve-
nience caused by failure to comply
with this rule.
Installation has to be carried out
according to the instructions pro-
vided by the manufacturer.
Incorrect installation might cause
harm and damage to people, ani-
mals or objects, for which the man-
ufacturer accepts no responsibility.
Before carrying out any work on
the electrical section of the appli-
ance, it must be disconnected from
the mains.
If the power supply cable is dam-
aged it must be substituted by a
suitable cable available in the after
sales service.

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