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Selection of the mode is made by turning the
crown at normal position clockwise or counter-
clockwise as follows:
Before setting the time, date and alarm, be sure to
use the “ Ø ” mode to put all the hands other
than the dual time hand in the 12 o’clock position.
• Turn the crown to set the mode indicator to
Ø ”.
If the hands do not return to the 12 o’clock
position, reset them to the 12 o’clock position,
following the procedure below.
Cal. N945
1. Time: Indicated by the hour, minute and 24-
hour hands.
2. Date: Indicated by the date indicator (tail of
the center hand).
3. Alarm: The alarm is set on a 24-hour basis and
rings at the designated time for 15 seconds.
4. Stopwatch: It can measure up to 12 hours in
1/10 seconds.
5. Timer: Up to 60 minutes can be set in one-
minute increments.
6. Dual time: The time of a different time zone
can be displayed on a 24-hour basis with the
dual time hand.
7. Tachymeter: Some models are provided with
a tachymeter with a graduated dial.
1/10 second hand
second hand
(tip of the center hand)
Hour hand
24-hour hand
Date numerals
Date indicator
(tail of the center hand)
Minute hand
Normal position
First click
Second click
Dual time hand
Mode indicator
TIME mode
(Alarm disengaged)
TIME mode
(Alarm engaged)
ALARM mode
Ø” mode
TIMER mode
Mode indicator
Second click
First click
Hour hand
24-hour hand
Minute hand
Second click
Mode indicator
• Turn the crown to set the mode indicator to
“TIME” or “TIME ”.
1. Pull out the crown to the second click.
The minute hand may stop on the spot or advance
to the next minute marker and stop.
2. Depress button “A” or “B” to set the hour,
minute and 24-hour hands to the desired time.
The time can be set in one-minute increments.
* For both buttons, the hands advance quickly
if the respective buttons are kept depressed.
3. Push the crown back in to the normal position
in accordance with a time signal.
1. When setting the hour hand, check that the 24-
hour hand is set properly.
2. As the hour and minute hands move, the 24-
hour hand also moves correspondingly.
3. When the 24-hour hand turns clockwise or counter-
clockwise past “0” position, the date indicator
advances or moves back, respectively.
Date indicator
First click
Date numerals
Mode indicator
The date is indicated by the date indicator (tail of
the center hand).
• Turn the crown to set the mode indicator to
“TIME” or “TIME ”.
1. Pull out the crown to the first click.
2. Depress button “A” or “B” to set the desired
* For both buttons, the date indicator moves
quickly if the respective buttons are kept
3. Push the crown back in to the normal position.
1. While the crown is kept at the first click, the
hour, minute and 24-hour hands stop moving,
and when the crown is pushed in, the hands
move to indicate the current time properly.
2. If the date has changed to the next while date
setting is being made, the hour and minute
hands will turn past the 12 o’clock marker as
soon as the crown is pushed in, but the date
indicator will not advance to the next.
1. Pull out the crown to the first click.
* If the stopwatch or timer is counting, it will
automatically be reset.
2. Depress button “A” or “B” to reset the stop-
watch 1/10 second hand and the tip of the
center hand to the 12 o’clock position.
* The stopwatch 1/10 second hand and the center
hand move correspondingly and cannot be
set independently.
* For both buttons, the hands move quickly if
the respective buttons are kept depressed.
3. Pull out the crown to the second click.
4. Depress button “A” or “B” to reset the hour
and minute hands to the 12 o’clock position
and the 24-hour hand to “0” position.
* As the minute hand moves, the hour and 24-
hour hands move correspondingly.
* When finally putting the minute hand to the
12 o’clock position, be sure to turn it clockwise
by depressing button “A”.
* For both buttons, the hands move quickly if
the respective buttons are kept depressed.
5. Push the crown back in to the normal position.

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