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Please keep this manual as it contains important information.
TM & © The Little Tikes Company,
an MGA Entertainment company.
LITTLE TIKES™ and all related logos, names,
characters, distinctive likenesses and slogans,
as well as the packaging and images appearing
thereon, are the exclusive property of The Little Tikes Company.
Little Tikes Consumer Services
2180 Barlow Road
Hudson, Ohio 44236 USA
(800) 321-0183
Printed in China
Visit us at www.littletikes.com
Item no.:
Ages 3-5
It‛s time for some big, bouncing fun with the Little Tikes® Bounce House! This inflatable fun center
is soft, safe and provides hours of bounce-ability.
3. Lift the plug from the inflation/deflation opening on the front edge of
the unit. (Fig.1)
4. Place the hose of an electric pump (hose and pump not included) into the
opening. (Fig.2)
NOTE: Pump may be purchased at most hardware, sporting goods and other
retail outlets. Some pumps have inflate and deflate valves. Follow pump
instructions when attaching hose.
5. Turn the pump on and inflate the unit.
CAUTION - DO NOT allow children to play on or in the unit until it is
fully inflated. Inflate the unit only to the point that it is firm but not hard
and wrinkles are still visible in the area of the
welded seams.
inflation pressure is 0.3 psi, 0.0207 bars. Do Not over-inflate the unit.
Doing so may cause damage to the unit and bodily injury to the child should
the unit fail from over-inflation. Inflation time will depend upon the type of
pump being used.
6. Once the unit is inflated, remove the hose and close the
inflation/deflation opening by pressing the plug into the opening firmly
to assure there will be no air leakage. (Fig.3)
7. Open the entry into the Bounce House by pulling apart the hook-and-loop
closures. (Fig.4)
8. Allow one child at a time inside the Bounce House and securely close the
entry using the hook-and-loop closures. (Fig.5)
WARNING - Instruct the child to bounce in the center of the Bounce
House only. Bouncing close to the edges may cause a tipping hazard which
may damage the Bounce House and cause injury to the child.
9. Do Not allow the child to attempt to climb on the netting. Netting is
in place to assure child does not bounce out of the Bounce House area.
(a) 1 Little Tikes® Bounce House
(b) 2 Repair Patches
Illustrations may vary from actual contents.
Make sure that there is a 2 m (6.6 ft..) obstacle-free zone
around the product.
2 m (6.6 ft.)
2 m (6.6 ft.)
2 m (6.6 ft.)
2 m (6.6 ft.)
2 m
(6.6 ft.)
2 m
(6.6 ft.)
1. Unit is intended for domestic family use only. Not for use in public areas or as a rental.
2. DO NOT use this unit in a manner other that intended.
3. Instruct children on proper use of the unit.
4. DO NOT allow attachment of items such as jump ropes, pet leashes, cables, etc., to
product as they may cause a strangulation hazard.
5. DO NOT drag the unit as doing so may cause irreparable damage.
6. Do not place the Bounce House on hard surfaces.
7. Allow only ONE CHILD at a time inside the unit.
8. DO NOT allow toys or any other objects inside the unit or in the surrounding area.
9. Remove shoes, eyeglasses, helmets, headgear, loose clothing, hoods, scarves, sharp objects
or any clothing containing drawstrings before playing in the unit.
10. Examine the unit periodically for potentially unsafe conditions such as abrasions, holes or
tears in the plastic.
11. DO NOT allow child to attempt to climb on the netting as doing so may cause a tipping hazard.
12. DO NOT allow child to climb on the OUTSIDE of the unit.
13. Keep pets away from the product.
14. Maximum allowable weight of person using the unit is 70 lb. (31.7kg)
15. Check the product during use and reinflate as appropriate.
16. Ensure the play area is free from hazards such as furniture, walls, sharp objects and other hard surfaces.
before inflating the unit or playing in it.
17. Do not leave children unattended at any time.
19. Check the product during use and inflate again as appropriate.
An adult must set up and inflate the unit. Here‛s how:
1. Remove the unit from its packaging and save the packaging to store it in when finished playing.
2. Unfold the unit in a flat area which has been cleared of all objects.
NOTE: DO NOT place the unit on an uneven surface or a surface which may allow the unit to slide.
Deflation and Storage
An adult must deflate and store the unit. Here‛s how:
1. Remove the child from the unit.
2. Remove the plug from the inflation/deflation opening.
3. Allow the unit to deflate.
Repairing a Puncture
In the event the Bounce House is accidentally punctured an adult must perform the following steps.
1. Deflate the item, clean the punctured area with water and allow it to dry.
2. Cut a portion of the patch allowing approximately 1 ½” of excess patch material on all sides of the opening
to be patched and round the corners.
3. Remove the backing from the patch material, position the patch over the
damaged area and smooth out any bubbles with a paper towel.
4. Allow the item to sit for 30 minutes before re-inflating.
NOTE: If you have purchased a pump which has both inflating and deflating valves, make sure
the hose is attached to the deflating valve. Then, simply place the end of the hose into the
inflation/deflation opening in the unit, turn on the pump and the unit will automatically deflate.
If your pump does NOT have this feature, once the side walls of the unit are deflated, press
gently on the top of the unit to help air escape from the deflation opening. DO NOT jump or lie
on the unit to help deflate it as doing so may damage the unit and cause bodily injury to the
4. Once deflated, fold the unit as it came out of the package and use the package for
storage. Store indoors in a dry place.
DO NOT leave the unit in any area where it might become damaged.
Cleaning Instructions: Surface wash with water only. Do Not use chemicals or abrasives.
Dry thoroughly before storing.

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