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XIM621345-1R3 - 12/12
Ages: 1 1/2 - 5 years & up
Please save sales receipt for proof of purchase.
Keep these instructions for future reference.
Prior to assembly, this package contains small parts:
hardware which is a choking hazard and may contain sharp
edges and sharp points. Keep away from children until
Protect your eyes. Always wear safety glasses when using
a hammer.
Thoroughly wash accessories before contact with food or
Keep these instructions for future reference.
Requires 3 “AA” (LR6) alkaline batteries (not
included). (Rechargeable batteries may be
The voltage of a fully-charged, rechargeable battery
is often lower than that of a fresh alkaline battery.
Therefore, it is recommended that alkaline batteries
be used instead of rechargeable batteries for best
performance and longer play time.
Install batteries with the correct polarity (+ and -).
To avoid battery leakage:
1. Follow the toy and battery manufacturer’s
installation instructions.
2. Do not mix old and new batteries.
3. Do not mix standard (carbon-zinc), alkaline
or rechargeable (nickel-cadmium or nickel-
metalhydride) batteries. Do not mix dierent brands
of batteries. Only batteries of the same or equivalent
type as recommended are to be used.
4. When toy is not used for an extended period of time,
remove batteries to prevent possible leakage and
damage to the unit.
5. Remove dead or exhausted batteries from product.
6. Dispose of dead batteries properly; do not bury. Do
not dispose of batteries in re as they may leak or
Make sure cover is properly installed on unit at all
Do not attempt to recharge non-rechargeable
Rechargeable batteries are to be removed from the
toy before recharging.
Charging of rechargeable batteries should be done
only by an adult.
The supply terminals are not to be short circuited.
NOTE: If the unit stops working or doesn’t work as it
should, remove the batteries for a few minutes and
then re-insert them. If there is still a problem, install
new batteries.
Adult assembly required /
Le montage devra être
effectué par un adulte /
Debe ser armado por un adulto
Turn table top (A) over to position table base (B).
Retournez le plateau de la table (A) pour le positionner sur la base de la table (B).
Dé vuelta la parte superior de la mesa (A) para colocarla en la base (B).
A. Table top
Plateau de la table / Parte superior
de la mesa
B. Table base
Base de la table / Base de la mesa
C. Table legs (4)
Pieds de la table / Patas de la mesa
D. Door / Porte / Puerta
E. Grill / Gril / Parrilla
F. Grill Cover / Couvercle du gril /
Tapa de la parrilla
G. Benches (2)
Bancs (2) / Bancos (2)
Also included 1 decal sheet.
1 feuille d'autocollants
également incluse
También se incluye 1 hoja
de calcomanías.
Parts List / Liste des Pieces / Lista de Partes
/2" Screw / Vis de 6.35 cm (2
/2 po) / Tornillo de 6.35 cm (2
H x12
I. Plates (4)
Assiettes (4) / Platos (4)
J. Pizza paddle
Pelle à pizza / Paleta de pizza
K. Pizza pan
Moule à pizza / Bandeja de pizza
L. Pizza (4 pcs)
Pizza (4 pièces) / Pizza (4 porciones)
M. Pizza cutter
Couteau à pizza / Cortador de pizza
N. Hotdog buns (2)
Petits pains pour hot-dogs (2) /
Panes para perritos calientes (2)
O. Hotdogs (2)
Hot-dogs (2) / Perritos calientes (2)
P. Ton gs
Pinces / Pinzas
Attach table base to table top using screws (H) x4 at locations shown.
Fixez la base de la table sur le plateau avec les vis (H) x4 aux endroits indiqués.
Fije la base a la parte superior de la mesa con 4 tornillos (H) en los lugares indicados.
H x4 - 2
/2" (6.35 cm)
Insert one table leg (C) x4 into each corner. Table leg post ts into
table base.
Insérez un pied de table (C) x4 dans chaque coin. Les montants des pieds de la
table s'insèrent dans la base de la table.
Coloque cada una de las 4 patas de la mesa (C) en cada esquina. El palo de la
pata encaja en la base de la mesa.
Attach each table leg to the
table top using screws (H) x4 .
Fixez chaque pied de table sur le
plateau de la table à l'aide des
vis (H) x4.
Fije cada una de las 4 patas de
la mesa a la parte superior con 4
tornillos (H).top using screws (H) x4.
H x4 - 2
/2" (6.35 cm)
Attach each table leg to
the table base using screws
(H) x4 .
Fixez chaque pied de table sur
la base de la table à l'aide des
vis (H) x4.
Fije cada una de las 4 patas de la
mesa a la base con 4 tornillos (H).
H x4 - 2
/2" (6.35 cm)
Please note locking pegs on each side of door (D).
Veuillez noter les taquets de blocage de chaque côté de la porte (D).
Ubique las clavijas de traba a cada lado de la puerta (D).
Place locking peg into hole on right side of table base as shown.
Placez un taquet de blocage dans le trou sur le côté droit de la base de la table
comme indiqué.
Coloque la clavija de traba en el oricio del lado derecho de la base de la mesa tal y
como se muestra.
Rotate downward to secure opposite locking peg in place.
Tournez vers le bas pour xer le taquet de blocage opposé en place.
Mueva la puerta hacia abajo para asegurar la clavija de traba opuesta en su lugar.
Tools required (not included)
Outils Requis (non compris)
Herramientas Requeridas (no incluidas)

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