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Rugby 670/680, Introduction
Purchase Congratulations on the purchase of a Leica Rotating Laser product.
This manual contains important safety directions as well as instructions for setting up
the product and operating it. Refer to "1 Safety Directions" for further information.
Read carefully through the User Manual before you switch on the product.
The type and serial number of your product are indicated on the type plate.
Enter the type and serial number in your manual and always refer to this information
when you need to contact your agency or Leica Geosystems authorised service work-
Validity of this
This manual applies to the Rugby 670/680 lasers. Differences between the models are
marked and described.
Refer to the following resources for all Rugby 670/680 documentation/soft-
the Leica Rugby CD
myWorld@Leica Geosystems (https://myworld.leica-geosystems.com) offers a
wide range of services, information and training material.
With direct access to myWorld, you are able to access all relevant services whenever
it is convenient for you, 24 hours a day, 7 days per week. This increases your efficiency
and keeps you and your equipment instantly updated with the latest information from
Leica Geosystems.
Type: _______________
Serial No.: _______________
Name Description/Format
Rugby 670/680
Quick Guide
Provides an overview of the product. Intended as a quick
reference guide.
Rugby 670/680
User Manual
All instructions required in order to operate the product
to a basic level are contained in the User Manual.
Provides an overview of the product together with tech-
nical data and safety directions.
Service Description
myProducts Simply add all Leica Geosystems products that you and your
company own. View detailed information on your products, buy
additional options or Customer Care Packages (CCPs), update your
products with the latest software and keep up-to-date with the
latest documentation.
myService View the service history of your products in Leica Geosystems
Service Centers and detailed information on the services performed
on your products. For your products that are currently in Leica
Geosystems Service Centers view the current service status and the
expected end date of service.

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