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We thank you for buying the LANAFORBaby Camera. Ideal to keep an eye on your baby, this cordless infrared camera
will allow you to hear and to watch your child day and night. The Baby Camera is a useful instrument for you and your baby
in the course of the first months of his existence.
Make sure the voltage of the electricity grid corresponds to the one of the apparatus.
See to it that the camera and the cable of the adaptor are always out of baby’s reach.
Never connect or disconnect the plug from the power point with wet hands.
Always put the Baby Camera on a hard, flat and horizontal surface, keep it away from heat sources like stoves, radiators, etc.
Do not use this apparatus in a room where aerosols (sprays) are being used or in a room where oxygen is administered.
Do not use this apparatus under a cover or under a pillow. excessive heat may cause fire, electrocution or burns.
Do not use this apparatus in the proximity of wet zones like the bathtub, the sink, etc.
Condition of functioning: from -10°C to 40°C; with a humidity of 85%RH.
Condition of storage: from -20°C to 60°C; with a humidity of 85%RH.
In order to avoid risks of electrocution, do not open the camera unit nor the surveillance unit (apart from the battery
The adaptors and batteries may warm up a little during functioning. This is perfectly normal.
The cables of the power adaptor must be laid away from the passageway.
Use only the power adaptors supplied. To avoid overheating do not use an extension cord.
Do not roll the cable around the apparatus.
Do not move this apparatus by its supply cable.
If the supply cable is damaged, it needs to be replaced by a special or similar cable available at your supplier’s or at his
after-sales service.
Be sure to turn off and unplug the apparatus after each use.
Do not use in any case a camera other than the one from the make of Lanaform.
When you use the Baby Camera, you use public waves. The sounds and the images may be broadcasted to other
receivers. The conversations, even the ones coming from rooms that are close to the camera unit, can also be
broadcasted. To protect your privacy, always unplug the camera unit when you are not using it.
This apparatus is not intended to be used by persons, including children, whose physical, sensory or mental capacities
are limited, or persons without experience or knowledge, unless they have the advantage of, by mediation of a person
responsible of their security, a supervision or preceding instructions regarding the use of the apparatus. It is convenient
to keep an eye on the children to make sure they dont play with the apparatus.
Exclusively use the Baby Camera according to the purpose it is made for and as described in this manual.
The sound- and picture quality is affected by the use of microwave ovens, as well as by the use of other cordless
systems, such as Bluetooth, local cordless networks, …
The Baby Camera is a product based on the Radio Frequency (RF). That means that its functioning can be disturbed
by the same type of interference as the mobile phones, portable radios as well as any other product based on the
Baby Camera

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