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All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or
mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in
writing from the Publisher.
Legal Restriction On Copying
It may be prohibited to copy copyrighted material without permission of the copyright owner.
It is prohibited under any circumstances to copy domestic or foreign currencies.
Copying other items may be prohibited.
We have determined as a participating company in the International
Energy Star Program that this product is compliant with the standards
laid out in the International Energy Star Program.
About the International Energy Star Program
International Energy Star Program has as its basic goals the promotion
of efficient energy use and the reduction of the environmental pollution
that accompanies energy consumption by promoting the manufacture
and sale of products that fulfill program standards.
International Energy Star Program standards require that copies come
equipped with a “Low Power Mode” where energy consumption is reduced
after a certain amount of time elapses since the device was last used, as
well as an “Off Mode” where the device automatically turns itself off after
there is no activity within a set amount of time. When the copier includes
printer and fax functions, the printer and fax must enter a “Low Power
Mode” where power consumption is automatically reduced after a certain
amount of time elapses since they were last used, and they must also
support a “Sleep Mode” where power consumption is reduced to a
minimum when there is no activity within a set amount of time.
This product is equipped with the following features as a result of its
compliance with International Energy Star Program standards.
Low Power Mode
The device automatically enters “Low Power Mode” when 15 minutes
have passed since the device was last used. The amount of time of no
activity that must pass before “Low Power Mode” is activated may be
lengthened. See “Energy saver (preheat) function” for more information.
Off Mode
The device automatically enters “Off Mode” when 60 minutes have passed
since the device was last used. The amount of time of no activity that
must pass before “Off Mode” is activated may be lengthened. For more
information see “Auto shut-off function”.
Sleep Mode (If the copier has printer and/or facsimile function)
The device automatically enters “Sleep Mode” when 60 minutes have
passed since the device was last used. The amount of time of no activity
that must pass before “Sleep Mode” is activated may be lengthened. For
more information see “Auto shut-off function”.
Automatic 2-Sided Copy Function
The Energy Star Program encourages the use of 2-sided copying which
reduces the load on the environment. Your sales or service representative
can provide information about adding 2-sided copying capabilities to this
Paper Recycling
The Energy Star Program encourages the use of environmentally friendly
recycled paper. Your sales or service representative can provide
information about recommended paper types.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Kyocera KM3530

Kyocera KM3530 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 72 pagina's

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