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Cleaning and care
• Always pull the plug before cleaning the device and allow the device to cool off.
• Do not use any sharp or pointed objects, gasoline, solvent, scrubbing brushes, or abrasive cleaning agents for
• If the grill plate** has been used, only clean it with hot water, some detergent, and a firm sponge. Do not use any
heavily abrasive cleaning agents or sponges.
• Clean the stone slab* with hot water and a firm sponge only. You can easily remove food remnants with a glass cook
top cleaner. Do not use dishwashing detergent and do not clean the stone in a dishwasher.
• Only wipe the housing with a moist sponge, dry afterwards, if necessary. Do not submerge the device in water or
other liquids.
• You can clean the coupelles and the spatulas with hot water and some mild dishwashing detergent.
»Basic raclette«
Ingredients: 1 - 1,5 kg floury potatoes
approx. 1 tsp. caraway
approx. 750 g – 1 kg Raclette cheese
each 1 small glass cocktail gherkins, pearl onions, and pickled baby corn,
black pepper
Preparation: Thoroughly wash the potatoes under running cold water, as the peel can also be eaten if desired. Place
in a pot with salt and caraway, cover with water, and boil covered over medium heat until soft. Preheat the device,
cutting the Raclette cheese into slices in the meantime, and arrange on a slab. Place the cocktail gherkins, pearl onions
and baby corn in bowls and place these on the table. Drain the boiled potatoes, serve, and keep warm, if possible. Add
the cheese to the coupelles and allow it to melt; season with salt and pepper and eat with the potatoes, cocktail
gherkins, pearl onions and baby corn.
Variant: Add chopped up bacon, which is then cooked with the cheese in the coupelles!
Olive raclette
Ingredients: approx. 60 - 80 Spanish olives stuffed with pimentos
approx. 2 tsp. paprika
approx. 6 – 8 tablespoons of Cognac
approx. 10 – 12 pcs. firm potatoes or 10 – 12 slices French white bread
Raclette - cheese
Preparation: Cut the olives in half and douse with cognac. Allow to infuse for approx. 1 hour while repeatedly and
carefully turning. Then drain and warm slightly in a pan without oil. Add 10 halved olives per portion to the portion pans,
allow the cheese to melt over this, place on the plates, and dust slightly with some paprika.
Potatoes or white bread can be eaten with this – depending upon preference.
BA Raclette 17 7000 00 00_Layout 1 25.05.10 10:59 Seite 10

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