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• Because this stone is a natural product, it can have internal stresses. These could lead to cracks if the temperature
is changed too quickly or even breakage of the stone. This can be largely avoided by observing the following the one-
time procedure. This will increase the stability of the stone and “relieve” the internal stresses. Nonetheless, small
cracks can appear in the stone during later use, which do not have an adverse effect on the function. Stones with
small cracks are therefore excluded from the warranty and from replacement. The color of your stone will change
during this process and in later use.
1. First, clean the stone under running warm water.
2. Thoroughly dry the stone with a rag.
3. Now, place the stone on the grate in the cold oven and heat it to 220°C.
4. Switch off the oven after approximately 40 minutes and allow the stone to cool slowly to room temperature.
5. Caution: Never chill the stone with cold water, to avoid temperature shock!
Your stone is now ready for further use.
• Use a washable, heat resistant surface because of the possible risk of spattering.
Caution: Please ensure that the power cable and coupelles do not touch the heating coils!
• Place the grill plate** or the stone slab* on the device with the juice groove at the top. Never place the cold slab* on
the preheated device.
• Insert the plug into the power outlet. The indicator light switches on.
• Turn the temperature regulation knob to the middle level to preheat the appliance
–for ca. 5 - 8 min, so that the grill plate** reaches operating temperature
–for ca. 8 – 10 min, so that the stone slab* reaches operating temperature.
• Cover the grill plate** or the stone slap* and the coupelles when needed with a thin coating of oil, butter, etc.
• You can now fry the prepared pieces of meat, fish or vegetables on the grill plate** or stone slab*. Caution: Do not
place any deep-frozen ingredients on the slab.
• Place the desired ingredients in the coupelles and place these on the rack beneath the heating rod.
• You can set the temperature by means of the regulator – at the beginning; the temperature can be somewhat higher
and then subsequently reduced.
• As soon as the ingredients are done, remove the coupelles. In order to avoid scratches on the finish, push the
ingredients down with the included heat-resistant spatulas.
Caution: The coupelles are hot. For this reason, only touch them by the heat-resistant handles and also only place
them on heat-resistant coasters.
• We recommend that you do not leave the device on for an extended period with no food on it. Switch it off during
extended pauses and then on again as needed.
• Do not forget to pull the plug to switch off the device at the end of your raclette enjoyment.
Tips and tricks
• Do not heat coupelles empty in the device and do not leave the coupelles in the hot device after use; remnants in the
coupelles will burn and then be very difficult to remove.
Grill plate**: From delicious salmon steak to scampi to vegetables the grill plate is ideal for cooking all sensitive
types of fish, meat or vegetables.
Stone plate*: From steaks to cutlets, hamburgers to sausages, the hot stone is ideal for all hearty grill products.
• Cut the meat or fish into bite-sized pieces. These will get done quicker.
• Lightly brush meat or solid fish with oil before you place it on the hot stone*. As an alternative, you can marinate it
BA Raclette 17 7000 00 00_Layout 1 25.05.10 10:59 Seite 9

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